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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I Almost Didn't Recognize You (Jinju)
    Though Aten had taken the trip to Hyaline as Circinae requested, the golden stallion just found himself drawn back to the Forest for some reason. He hadn't necessarily given up on his friends, on finding them to at least make sure they were okay. If they didn't want to reunite and form a band after the destruction of their home, okay, that was their business. Aten would just do his best to conceal his sadness over the fact that his life wouldn't be the same now.

    He would go on, yes, and perhaps make new friends, find some of his family, or maybe even start one of his own. But right now, the golden stallion just wished for some brief time of peace. And all this meant was getting accepted into the Hyaline kingdom, or at least being allowed to live at the edge of its borders so he could feel some of the security he had back before Taiga was destroyed.

    Aten was also not one to hold a grudge, but if he had to pick, it was toward Gryffen. He held no hatred in his heart for the cremello stallion; he just found it incredibly coincidental that, shortly after his arrival at Taiga, everything had gone to hell and the one home Aten had known since the Reckoning was taken away. Gryffen could be blamed just as easily as any other horse, for Aten truly didn't know why Beqanna had decided to take the Taiga away. She must've had a good reason, it just wasn't clear to him yet.

    The Forest was quiet today, as usual, which put Aten at ease. The stallion's gait was still a bit choppy while recovering, but over the past few weeks he'd gotten much better. His legs no longer ached when he walked, his limp was pretty much gone, and it didn't hurt anymore when he laid down on his stomach. The burn scars would forever be apparent as his golden fur hadn't grown back over them to cover, but such knowledge didn't bother him. Aten wasn't one to fret over his own appearance, and he didn't get self-conscious when anyone asked about his scars. It was usually a simple enough story, even if it had to do with his home's destruction.

    The sound of running water made the stallion's ears turn; he was closer to the river running through the Forest than he thought. Suddenly aware of how parched his throat was after making the long walk from Hyaline back here to the Forest, he decided to stop for a short drink. He changed course and headed for the river, taking in the scenery as he went. There was a sort spring breeze in the air, the mid-day sun shining down and breaking through the canopy of leaves that covered the Forest floor. The light calls of birds of prey could be heard echoing throughout the Forest, a couple ground critters scurrying across the same well-worn path Aten was using to reach the river.

    The foliage finally broke enough in front of him for Aten to see what he was looking for. The golden stallion walked to the river bank, not stopping until he was right at the edge of the water. He lowered his head, sticking his muzzle partially into the water before taking a long drink. This continued for a few moments until he was fully satisfied, lifting his head back, up, ignoring the water he sprayed in a couple directions.

    The stallion's large head turned this way and that, just to see what was around and if it could be trouble. Satisfied that he was alone, Aten lowered his head to graze, the sun bouncing off his coat and setting off its well-known sheen of color. Despite this, he kept his ears up and alert, always on the lookout for approaching danger that could otherwise mean his end.


    Messages In This Thread
    I Almost Didn't Recognize You (Jinju) - by Aten - 09-20-2017, 10:11 PM

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