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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    a light from the shadows will spring; crevan

    forget all the names we used to know

    Merida is a forest spirit, in body and energy. Crevan can hardly twist his head from one side to the other and there she is; he only hopes that a misstep on his own part won’t catch her tail in the aftermath, but the wily female seems to have it figured out. “Everywhere” She tells him and the slip of a knowing smile winds across his lips. He envies her freedom, the lax ability she has to disappear without a trace and leave others wondering as to her whereabouts. Crevan can feel the tangle of dark roots already seeping into his bones the longer he remains here, in Sylva.

    Soon he might find himself stuck to this very place. “Originally I returned to Loess,” she regals, perching briefly on the outcropping of a random boulder while Crevan draws to a halt. He refuses the rest of what she says though, his mind won’t have that. Instead it travels to more curious places and arouses questions that, at first, he’s not sure he wants the answer to. “Why would you go to Loess?” He wonders, confusion muddying his expression for the briefest of moments though he says nothing aloud.  She must know .. Sylva and Loess were at strong odds against one another.

    Gryffen wanted Heda dead, but was satiating that thirst with any Loessian he could find. “Like Kuma, and Imperial.” He thinks quite suddenly, a sharp pain slicing through his chest at the memory.

    Best to leave those things in the past. So he does, and just as quickly as he decides so does Merida - leaping down from her niche to join him once more in travel. “Like furry little meal-stealers.” He tells her, bumping a skull full of iron-hard bone against that adorable, snarling head of hers. “Your cousins are notorious for slipping in right under my very mouth and taking my hard-earned meal away bit by bit.” He barks with easy laughter, clipping ahead into a jogging trot.

    The thick of his chest and gut rises and falls with each prowling stride. Easily he slinks up a sloping hill, twisting around the backside to follow a gently-worn path up to its summit. A boulder of mighty height and girth rests solidly into the earth of Sylva land, jutting out to create a natural resting place on top and a dry, leaf-littered area below. Even Crevan with his notorious bulk seems dwarfed by the sheet of gray stone. It’s here that he slows, clicking across the hard surface until he’s come to rest at the lip of the overhang. Above them, the sky is clear of forest clutter and the stars wink brightly from their canopy of night.

    “Now I can’t see one without thinking of you.” He whuffs, sitting calmly while throwing a dark stare in her direction. “Why is that?” He muses aloud, half-aware that he’s uttering it though his mind has begun to drift elsewhere. “Why is it that you never came back with me, that day in the Forest? You belong with your own kind … not in Loess.” He spits, the word turning to bile on his tongue.



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    RE: a light from the shadows will spring; crevan - by Crevan - 11-21-2017, 03:32 PM

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