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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Growing pains are supposed to hurt - Crevan

    forget all the names we used to know

    An odd combination, the two of them. It seems that the filly hasn’t taken his advice - to keep things short and chipper - and he’s tired of giving second chances, especially when her skin begins to glow once more.

    Crevan shifts. Curling a pale head into his chest and heaving with gulps of air before his entire body re-shapes itself, he can just hear her tipping off into silence when he begins. The snap and twist of bones, the color of white fading to muddy amber, from start to finish the exchange is unsettling but blessedly quick. When he’s finished, he finds that his navy eyes are peering down once more to see a small girl with her gums exposed.

    He frowns. “What if I just burn you back instead, hmm?”

    Now he smiles, the flashing dazzle of amusement failing to spark life in his gaze. His head lowers, nostrils flaring to blow back the slim tuft of hair she’s working so hard to grow between her brightly-colored ears. From this vantage point, Celest is nothing more than a child spitting shrapnel on a subject she’s far from informed on. His breath is warm; searingly so, as if somehow he’s exchanged a working gut for a furnace instead.

    “I wonder,” He whispers, “how many times could you come back?” He asks, choosing then to tilt his large jaw with curiosity over her instinct to challenge elder authority. With that same smile still hard-pressed into his cheeks, the stallion lets his mouth fall slack. A sweltering gust crackles over her delicate face, Crevan can feel his throat burn from the suppressed flame he holds back with his tongue.

    It would be satisfying, maybe even fair to give the little brat a taste of her own medicine.

    “That’s enough, I think.” He snaps suddenly, shoving the weight of his bulk against her with the rough slam of his barrel-like chest. Perhaps this runt has been gifted with a parent who simply chooses to look the other way, but what her caretaker lacks in discipline, he’ll reap as reward. The more she struggles, the worse this journey will be for her. “Babies like surprises, right? Consider our destination a surprise, then.” He snorts.

    She’s squandered her one chance to tilt the odds in her favor, this stunning creature, and now the time for talk is up. “Move.” He barks, hovering near to her as a means of silent yet deadly encouragement. They should’ve already been on their way by now and Crevan isn’t one to allow her a moment’s rest, especially after she’s played one trump card too many. “And no more talking.”


    @[Celest] Next one will be in Sylva Wink

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    RE: Growing pains are supposed to hurt - Crevan - by Crevan - 10-20-2017, 02:04 PM

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