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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a flower waiting to bloom - Circinae
    html code by Toli, design idea based on "Dovev" by Laura

    Like a flower waiting to bloom.
    The heaviness of the sand kept her from dashing forward, made her remember to keep herself collected, or at least attempt to. Just as long as she was in their eyesight. They didn’t need to know how much stress their arrival put on her.

    Once she’s out of sight, safely back into the jungle, she bolts. Slim legs carry her over the trails she knows so well, into the safety she only knows. Or, only she and Kharon. It used to be their secret place, their pond, but with him gone, it would be her place now. She could hide there and wait for everything to settle. If Father or Ea would only show up..

    It’s only as she’s half way to the pond that she realises that it would be too easy for her to be followed. She hadn’t snuck away, they had all seen her leave and in which direction too. Even those who weren’t known with the island would be able to track her fear laces scent. So Kylin changes direction.

    Tears are clouding her gaze, but she doesn’t shed them. Instead she dives. The pond is the largest on the island, one of the few sweet water sources, and big enough to swim in. The water and her connection to it is all she had, and though it cannot wash away her sorrow, it comforts her. Sadly enough she cannot hold her breath like Ivar, meaning she has to go up to the surface again.

    Her purple and white head surfaces, and Kylin draws in a deep breath. Home. She is home. And she wouldn’t let anyone take her home from her. It wouldn’t matter with how many they came, none of them knew Ischia as well as she did. Plus, the new Keeper had said they needed her. While floating in the water – her moving fins keeping her at the surface – she could only hope that Circinae hadn’t changed her mind.


    Messages In This Thread
    Like a flower waiting to bloom - Circinae - by Kylin - 11-04-2017, 04:27 PM
    RE: Like a flower waiting to bloom - Circinae - by Circinae - 11-07-2017, 05:18 PM
    RE: Like a flower waiting to bloom - Circinae - by Circinae - 11-14-2017, 05:28 PM
    RE: Like a flower waiting to bloom - Circinae - by Circinae - 11-22-2017, 10:58 AM

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