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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [mature]  he burns me with his eyes of gold to embers; chapter two - closed
    <i>For failing to respond, Tenebris has been returned to Beqanna and is now blind for 1-BQ year which begins the moment he is posted outside of the quest.</i>

    <center><div style="background-color: tan; color: black; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 12pt; font-family: times; padding: 20px; width: 400px; text-align: justify;"><center><b>T H E B E A C H</b></center>

    As the trees begin to thin, as red clay turns to sand, thunder grumbles in the distance and the sky fills with ominous black; a tendril of dark cloud reaches down from the great thunderhead, it twists and turns. It grows, and grows, gaining strength and speed and soon it starts ripping the trees from their roots. It tosses your assailants around like toys, tearing them apart with debris before your very eyes as the island beneath your feet falls away—drips away.

    It turns to liquid, falling like colorful rain into the starry abyss.

    You float along in the nothing—

    (<i>“We all float down here…”</i>)

    —And from the nothing comes a voice unlike any voice you have ever heard.

    And then, you sleep.

    You sleep, and you sleep, you dream… until you wake up in Beqanna, a little worse for the wear but with a little something extra for all your troubles.</i></div></center>
    <center><b>Bragi, Takei;</b></center>
    <ul><li><i>You chose <b>The Beach</b></i>; this returns your character to Beqanna and has made them blind for 1-BQ Year, which begins the moment you post outside of the quest.</li>
    <li>For taking part, you now have the choice between wings, horn(s), or immortality. If you choose wings or (a) horn(s), it will take 1-BQ year for them to fully grow and the growth may be painful (player decides). Once your character’s temporary defect has worn off, their trait will be usable. Immortality is effective immediately.</li>
    <li>Wing(s)/horn(s) may be of any type (ie: Bat wings, Dragon wings, Rhino horns, etc) but must be tangible. You only have to specify what type they are in your update if they are not the typical Pegasus Wings or Unicorn Horn.</li>
    <li>This trait will be <b>genetic</b>.</li></ul>

    <center><div style="background-color: #9ACD32; color: black; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 12pt; font-family: times; padding: 20px; width: 400px; text-align: justify;"><center><b>T H E G R O V E</b></center>

    You lose them along the way, their heavy footfall fades and you keep right on running until you no longer hear them crashing through the jungle behind you; the singsong of pretty, colorful birds that call the citrus grove home replaces their angry voices. Here, there are fruits of every shape and size and color; they hang from the trees until they get too heavy and drop to the forest floor below.

    It smells so lovely here—until it doesn’t.

    As you’re meandering through the grove, you notice a foul stench soiling the air; it isn’t clear where it’s coming from until you look down and notice that the jungle floor is covered with maggots. They’re abnormally large, most of them as long as your legs and twice as thick; some of them munch along on the fallen, rotten fruit, others make a meal of the birds—the birds, which no longer flit happily from branch to branch, but lie dead on the forest floor.

    You make a move to leave, but the maggots turn their attention to you; they slither up your legs, they latch on to your back, sides, and neck; they chomp down on your skin and intend to eat you alive. There is no hope for you, no one to hear you scream; the grove is silent except for the horrible whine of thousands of slimy creatures making their way to your body—at least, until it isn’t.

    There is a piercing screech, a great dark shadow swoops low over the grove; lifting you into the air, the giant of a macaw is hundreds of times your size and carries you with ease. Determined, its great wings propel you both up high and away from the grove and its monstrous maggots.

    Wherever the macaw intends to take you, you feel safe—until you don’t.

    (<i>“Meddling fool.”</i>)

    The voice comes from nowhere, from everywhere all at once—

    A jet of fire hits the macaw square in the face.

    From thin air appears a dragon, as dark and ominous as the thunderhead that first took you away; the macaw swoops back towards the island, racing the great scaly beast—it drops you as low as it can on the beach with the dragon hot on its tail, leaving a trail of singed feathers scattered all over the jungle.

    That’s when you notice the others appearing at the treeline—still ugly, still empty-eyed, they shriek and scream with delight at the sight of you before charging forwards.

    Clearly, it’s just your lucky day.

    <i>If you chose the Grove, you now have three choices: Flee to the Cave, Stand and Fight, or Follow the Trail of Singed Feathers.</i></div></center>

    <ul><li>Describe the chase, then your arrival; describe the grove, describe the parrots—or any bird you want, really; go crazy!</li>
    <li>Describe the maggots; surely, their sudden appearance must have been unsettling? Describe your character’s reaction to them and being (almost) eaten alive, your character must acquire wounds from the maggots. Severity of the wounds are entirely up to you.</li>
    <li>Describe the rescue; holy hell, what a take-off. Describe being scooped up by the macaw and the brief flight around the island.</li>
    <li>Crash landing; Describe the macaw being attacked by the dragon, then your character being plopped back on the beach in front of their so-called <i>friends</i>.
    <li>There is a minimum word limit of <b>500</b>.</li>
    <li>You have 48 hours from the time this hits the board.</li></ul>

    <center><div style="background-color: silver; color: black; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 12pt; font-family: times; padding: 20px; width: 400px; text-align: justify;"><center><b>T H E C A V E</b></center>

    The others notice your little hiding place.

    They come crashing through the waterfall, shrieking with delight; it sends you reeling back and you bump your head quite badly. Despite the blood gushing down from the wound, you desperately stumble along through the dark.

    You travel deeper and deeper into the cave, deeper and deeper underground until you can see nothing. The others scratch, they claw; they cackle, they scream—every little thing they do echoes off the walls of the cave—until it doesn’t. Silence, total and absolute silence blankets the dark; you suddenly hear nothing but your own breathing, nothing but the rhythm of your own heart thrumming in your ears.

    At least, until a soft cry comes from up ahead.

    Surprisingly, it doesn’t sound… pained.

    You notice a faint red light, it draws you in and pulls you close; the passage grows narrower the closer you get to the source of the light until the jagged walls of the cave scrape your sides raw.

    It opens, however, into a large cavern and what you see surprises you; it’s your friends in their original states engaging in every sort of twisted debauchery you never cared to imagine. A moan comes from someone at the center of it all and you notice that they are the source of the light. It’s your friend, your <i>very best friend</i> who glows red.

    They smile at you, beckoning you to come join them.

    (<i>“Come on, you know you want to…”</i>)

    Their voice comes from inside your head, sending a shiver down your spine—you aren’t sure if it’s caused by fear or temptation, but the rest of the group turn their eyes towards you expectantly. It’s then that you notice one of the other missing members of the group hanging from a vine that dangles through the roof of the cave, stalactites stuffed into their skull in place of their ears. Their blood drips down on the rest of the group—though they do not seem to mind.

    If you chose The Cave, you now have three choices: <i>Join the cult in their activities, Confront them, or Turn back.</i></div></center>

    <ul><li>Describe being found; that didn’t work out quite the way you planned, now did it? Your character must hit their head, the severity of the wound is entirely up to you but it <i>is</i> gushing blood so take note.</li>
    <li>Describe your descent into the darkness and the mad scramble of the group as they try to catch you.</li>
    <li>Describe wandering around in the dark; it might’ve been minutes, it might’ve been hours, but eventually your character comes across a strange red light; your character’s sides are raw and bleeding by the time they enter the room, make note of it.</li>
    <li>Describe stumbling upon the cult; you do not have to go into great detail about what the cult is up to when your character finds them, that’s entirely up to you. Alluding to it is enough.</li>
    <li>Describe seeing the next missing member.</li>
    <li>There is a minimum word limit of <b>500.</b></li>
    <li>You have 48 hours from the time this hits the board.</li></ul>

    Messages In This Thread
    he burns me with his eyes of gold to embers; chapter two - closed - by a demon - 11-20-2017, 05:19 PM

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