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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Without the Dark, We'd Never See the Stars[Sid pony]


    The child pulls at the tendril of light and sends it back in a bloom, illuminating Scorch's scarred body. Though tall and powerful (at one point, anyhow), her skin and complexion is admittedly horrible to look upon. The girl's shock is apparent in her young and impulse-driven face, but Scorch excuses her for this slight. Years ago, she may not have been so forgiving. Even now, she is remarkably placid - it is a miracle, of sorts.

    The girl approaches then, aligning herself with Scorch. Scorch conjures more light, sending it dancing across the nameless girl's strong back, the little pinpoints of light jumping and dancing like sparks. The Khaleesi had never much used this power of hers, but she enjoys this opportunity. Without introducing herself, the girl then proclaims herself to be the daughter of Vi - the daughter of her second last daughter. Panic surges through each of her nerves, and the whites of her eyes show momentarily, though in the cacophony of her colour-changing pupiless eyes, the fear response is easily missed.

    Staring hard at the girl, Scorch speaks up. "I am Scorch, girl. Your mother was the last foal I birthed before my husband's death." She does not elaborate on the specifics of her own death and revival, figuring it beyond the girl's understanding, and also wanting to get to the root of the issue immediately. "Vi had a twin whom I named Volcan. Volcan was lost at birth," again, a fib, but necessary. "And I have returned to find her." Her teeth grind together, the sparks jumping on the girl's back throbbing intensely and passionately, infuriated and panicked. "Tell me, granddaughter. Where is your mother? And where is Volcan?" This was the most hope she'd ever had about finding her kidnapped daughter. And she wasn't going to let it go to waste.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]

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    RE: Without the Dark, We'd Never See the Stars[Sid pony] - by Scorch - 12-05-2017, 04:20 PM

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