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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  my words are unerring tools of destruction; femur
    I love the way you rake my skin, I feel the hate you place inside.
    Stolen. Adopted. She takes the ones that the mothers leave behind. In this, she is a benevolent figure that comes amongst them with kisses and milk. It is the only benevolence she is capable of. Their little faces need to be cleaned and loved and Femur can give them that much, the same things that her mother always made sure she had. But she still cannot fathom how many mares walk away from those sweet little faces, leaving them to sleep and dream alone and unattended for the likes of Femur to find them. Their loss is her gain - he is her gain!

    She looks on, as he stands with a hint of a wobble. It is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of exhaustion and hunger as he spreads his wings half-out to balance himself before locking his lips around a singular teat and sucking for all his life. She could almost sigh, this felt natural. More so, the moment he leans into her further and sucks more and more. Femur understands so much in the seconds that tick by as she leans her head down to lick and chew at his little rump. Motherhood, it was a gift - a glorious gift that some just threw away, but she’d build this little one up, as part of her initial trio of foals.

    He’ll become brother to the two she has back home.
    She’ll ask the Overseer to teach him how to use those downy soft wings of his.
    Her mate, what will he think of this? No matter, she’ll convince him that this is her lot in life - to find them, bring them back, and make them more than their mothers gave them a chance to be. Stolen. Adopted. It made no difference. They were Femur’s now, and hers’ alone to care for.

    One last tug and he is free, full and satisfied and he toddles around her then looks up at her before tucking himself in against her side. An ear bends to the politeness of the manners instilled in him from the beginning. This too, impresses her and she has no reservations about having picked him from amongst the others that lay lost in slumber as their mothers crept off. She affords him a smile, another token of her affection.

    “You’re welcome Gansey. I’m Femur and I think you should come with me. This is no safe place for one as small as yourself.” She tries to impress upon him the nature of danger if he opts to remain, but she is certain he will not. He has suckled from her, known her kisses, and he is hers’ now. Gansey will follow, she is certain of it. As the first two had and she’ll show him a whole new world that is his for the taking, because she will make it so - for him, for all of them, those lost children of hers that are not so very lost now.

    @[Gansey] no worries! he is absolutely adorable and i'm still figuring femur out as a mother so it's all good! <3

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: my words are unerring tools of destruction; femur - by Femur - 12-13-2017, 10:14 AM

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