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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Im headed straight for the castle - Any
    Of all the miserable luck. She knows that voice as soon as it hits the air, confident and clear. That hadn't taken long at all. Biting back a curse, she turned to the interloping man, subtly putting a span of air between their bodies. The touch of his muzzle to her shoulder is brief, as she shifts her weight away from his sculpted figure. 

    "Not so funny. You, as much as anyone, should understand the need to stretch one's wings every so often. The island was getting a bit... cramped, for my tastes. I wanted a change of scenery." She spoke offhandedly, shrugging. One wing fluttered, gesturing to the surrounding trees which differed so much from the tropical terrain she had been spending her days on. 

    Once more, the vision of the island's queen flashed in her mind, taunting her with a sense of injustice. He had his queen, his island, his child. This show of dominance was unnecessary. The brightening daylight cast a deeper glow upon her coat, and for the first time, she thought to hate it. Here was a magpie, a collector of pretty things. And here she was, gradually exchanging a coat of pearl for one more extravagant. Following his gaze, she looked at herself as the sunlight illuminated the fibers of her coat. The effect was soft, but noticeable, as pastel jewel tones refracted across her pale body. A shade of blue lighter than the sky seemed to be the heart of it all. Flicking her tail absently, a sense of wonder overtook her as vibrant strands of firetone caught the light. There were changes afoot, inside and out. And not one of them was going to help her with the big, purple, pain in her ass that was currently devouring her with his eyes. 

    She stiffened as he began kissing along the plane of her shoulder. Where once his forwardness had intrigued her, now it felt like a deliberate intrusion. The next question out of his mouth made that all the more apparent. She rolled her still-blue eyes petulantly, staring beyond him into the shadowed woods. Would that she was anywhere but here right now. "I told you. I was tired of the island. I-" The words halted in her throat as a sudden pain jarred her frame. Not labor, no, just a violent jab to her ribs. The child was growing stronger every day, and liked to make its presence known. 

    Exhaling sharply, the slight mare raised her head higher, ears tipping backward as her gaze met his. "Don't you have some other slag to be minding? One with a pretty crown and a high temper?" Finally, she was getting to the point. "If you think that Krone and I are just going to make nice and play happy family, you're sorely mistaken." She stepped around to face him head on. Why beat around the bush any longer? She had made her mind up, he may as well know it. 


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    RE: Im headed straight for the castle - Any - by Sabra - 01-06-2018, 10:49 AM
    RE: Im headed straight for the castle - Any - by Dahmer - 01-08-2018, 07:40 PM

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