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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  I tried to sell my soul last night; any

    I tried to sell my soul last night
    Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite

    The warmth of the summer sun heats his dappled skin as he lounges against the dusty green of the meadow grass. In the unfortunate length of his misbegotten life, he has learned that there is nothing quite so fantastic as lazily sunbathing on a warm day. To be frank, he’s pretty much just a lazy bastard, but hey, he can be poetic sometimes. Once in a while he manages to get off his dilatory ass (see? Fucking poetic) and do something with his life. But today is not one of those days. Today is reserved entirely for… nothing. Absolutely nothing.

    To be frank, one would have to be pretty damned special to change that. Not that he wouldn’t be willing to change his mind for the right lady (sorry gentlemen), but she’d have to be a pretty damn right lady. Hell, probably wouldn’t even have to be a very lady-like lady.

    With his eyes closed, he looks as though he could be sleeping. He’s not, but he sure looks like he could be. Instead he is lost in thought, remembering ages long past. He’d been a cold bastard once upon a time. Life, however, has a way of turning one on one’s ear. He probably wouldn’t have survived the last century or so if he hadn’t managed to develop a sense of humor. Granted, it’s a rather macabre sense of humor, one very few tend to appreciate. But then, he’d learned a long time ago just how little other’s opinions truly matter. The only one he ever has to actually live with is himself.

    And man, had he been an egotistical dick once. Not that he isn’t still, but at least now he’s an egotistical dick who can actually laugh at himself. A lot changes after a few decades of life. A few times he’d even gotten himself killed on purpose, just to get away from himself for a little bit. He snorts then, still not opening his eyes despite the somewhat humourless burst of laughter. At this point, if he couldn’t laugh at the stupid shit he’d done, he’d probably go mad.

    Who knows, maybe he is fucking mad. He wouldn’t be surprised by anything anymore, and certainly not by his sanity or lack thereof. But hell, he’s not supposed to be lingering on just how poor his state of mind is at the moment. He’s supposed the be enjoying the sunshine and the chirping of the birds.

    Chirp, chirp, motherfucker.

    Well shit, there goes that plan. So much for simply enjoying the afternoon.


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    I tried to sell my soul last night; any - by Ashhal - 02-16-2018, 12:13 AM

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