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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Too Good At Goodbyes || Any
    The crowd had parted, and the field stood empty once more. Standing at the center of where the goddess’ arena had been, Mosrael gazed about herself amazed by all that had been accomplished there. Alone she had watched as every last remnant of the event vanished in a flash. In the wake of such a massive host, the land had been left scarred. Grass lay flat with patches of dirt breaking through sporadically. Like herself, horses had arrived in droves for a chance to lay eyes upon the golden goddess herself. Some had stepped forward to meet her challenge while others had watched from the sidelines.
    She trembled at the memory of the challenge presented to her by Nike. Bravery. It felt like such a simple concept and, yet, Mosrael had learned things about herself that she would have preferred to keep buried. She was glad that her father had not been watching from the sidelines.
    Death was unavoidable. Death was the finale to a life well lived – and, yet, she feared it. She was ashamed of her weakness and her transparency. And for what? Third place? She scoffed. It was not good enough. Her mission had been to prove her bravery so that she could return with her head held high and new golden markings to prove her success. Instead she would arrive with a silver that she had not earned. In his kindness her brother had switched her bronze with his silver, proving once again to be the victor among them. Agitated she flicked her newly donned silver tail.
    Glimmering in the warm sunlight, she took a moment to appreciate the gifts bestowed upon her. Her silver tail, faded almost seamlessly from the white blanket upon her back and, standing out against her other variously shaped purple spots, an eagle sat proudly with wings outstretched. A symbol of the hidden abilities deep within her. She was proud to bear the mark and hoped that, if nothing else, her father would look upon it with pride.
    Glancing once more up towards the mountain top, she turned toward the path that she knew would eventually lead to Ischia. Her home. Waiting for her she had her siblings, all of which were, undoubtedly waiting to hear the story of her Olympic experience. If nothing else, at least she knew they would be impressed. Her mother too, would be very proud of her.
    The sea was calling to her and she longed to return to it’s shores.

    Messages In This Thread
    Too Good At Goodbyes || Any - by Mosrael - 03-21-2018, 04:14 PM
    RE: Too Good At Goodbyes || Any - by Lavendel - 03-21-2018, 08:00 PM
    RE: Too Good At Goodbyes || Any - by Kagerus - 03-22-2018, 01:04 AM
    RE: Too Good At Goodbyes || Any - by Mosrael - 03-23-2018, 11:39 AM
    RE: Too Good At Goodbyes || Any - by Ilma - 03-23-2018, 04:40 PM

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