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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  like the dawn, you broke the dark [astrophel]

    He is used to disappointment.

    It isn’t the disappointment from others he mostly feels, but the disappointment within himself. Astrophel allows himself to get caught up in the moment. Every time there is a bit of hint into returning to the stars he has gone all the way in, believing with his whole heart that this is the answer. Every time the end of his searching, his quest, is not there. And every time after seems like it will always be a disappointment.

    The star boy listens with eagerness, but he can already tell by the mare’s words and expression it is a dead end. Astrophel sighs softly, watching as she turns her gaze away from him. He is silent for a moment, considering what she has said and scrambling through his jumbled thoughts. “It’s okay,” he says finally. “I cannot put too much trust in others to be the answer to my problem,” he says. It is more of a thought stated out loud to himself than anything.

    Astrophel cannot help the longing he feels to return to the stars. It feels as if he is not himself, his identity is stolen. He doesn’t know who he is anymore without them, without being part of the celestial matter itself that made him who he is today.

    Her gaze returns him, and he dares not look away now. Although he is unaware of his distance close to her—he has always been unaware of such manners. It her soft smile and next words that bring one to his cremello lips as well. Astrophel found happiness in speaking about this topic all too well.

    “It was nothing like before,” he says in a reply back to her. “Before I went to live among the celestial, I lived my entire life not knowing who I truly was. It was them that gave me my ability,” he pauses for a moment, “My identity, my life.” But they are now gone, and even with his star magic he has found no way to reunite with them.

    Love—perhaps that is what he felt for them. It was a love he knew like no other. The celestial had given him more of a love than his mother could, perhaps even his own father too. “The clouds are never the limit,” he says with another smile, a boyish grin this time. “Perhaps one day you will fly among the stars too.” Astrophel did not limit himself to such things, why should she?

    The mare finally identifies herself. She is no longer a stranger of the night, but giving him a piece of her (still he knows nothing of her ruling, simply she is just as she is—Solace). “It’s nice to put a name to your face now, Solace.” A name he would not forget since this night by far has been a pleasant one for him more than many others. “I am Astrophel.” The lover of stars.

    “Where do you come from?” He asks with a tilt of his head. Maybe he would get more than just a name out of her.
    character info: here | character reference: here

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    RE: like the dawn, you broke the dark [astrophel] - by Astrophel - 05-16-2018, 02:07 PM

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