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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    best have your wits about you [Maugrim]
    While Jesper cannot appreciate the way the Lake beast manipulates the water around him, on him but, especially, within him, the black's body responds positively. The arctic air enters respiratory tree, passively and, attempts to diffuse through the mucus barrier currently protecting alveoli. Desperate vessels carry what can permeate the secretion back to cardiac muscle. And, ever so slowly, Jesper's heart grows stronger.

    Each contraction from sinew pulses with more force and, carries more fuel to oxygen-deprived cells. Lungs receive the first waves of crimson: to warm them, fuel them and, entice them to bring in more oxygen. Sore air sacs stretch, at last, to draw in an active breath. Nostrils flutter as the chilly air fills nasal caverns and rushes into thorax. As diaphragm contracts, flanks constrict before muscle relaxes and, carbon dioxide expels from nostrils. Several slow breaths are taken before more cells are revived. Lower limbs remain frozen stiff; all sensation blocked by the frost covering extremities. However, blood flow begins to deliver warmth as well as, oxygen to tissues of torso. The pelt covering Jesper's shoulder detects the biting cold first and, slowly, the icy layer can be felt upon nape, barrel and, haunches. A shudder runs down spine before lobes twitch.

    That shudder seems to stir consciousness within the onyx stallion, All at once, auditory sense picks up the gentle lapping of the shallow waters against his body and, the shore. Long-lashed lids snap open and reveal dry, bloodshot scleras. Jesper thrashes as he rolls himself onto his underside. Another lash of bitter cold liquid stings the inside of his thighs and, male attempts to heave himself to his hooves. He finds that his limbs do not unfold. They do not respond to his request to support his weight. He tries a second time with the same result. His torso lifts off of the ground for a second and then, flops back into the muck.

    Jesper decides to give up on this idea and, instead, reverts to pushing and pulling himself through the slop. His fetlocks do not bend so, his rear hooves gain no traction. However, his stifle flexes and so, weight shifts from his thigh forwards to his elbows. At first, each time he bears his weight on this joint, a jolt of pain shoots up shoulder. He winces but, urges himself to continue digging into the soft grit and, pushing himself towards the drier cave before him. His exertion does not get him much closer but, it does increase his blood pressure and, force the oxygenated rivulets to reach the frozen portions of his extremities. Although not thawed enough to bear his weight, he can lift them and, slap them down into the muck as he drags himself. Now, much like army crawling through an obstacle course, the onyx steed drags himself into the cave. Once enveloped in the peace of its complete darkness and, sprawled across the mostly dry silt, male succumbs to a deep slumber.

    He cannot be sure how long he slept in that cave; how many days passed him by or, how many days remained of his captivity. As he emerges from his near-coma, Jesper first picks up on the chatter of birds. Their songs are loud enough to drown out the gently lapping waves at the mouth of the cave. Birds could only mean one thing: that the weather had warmed to their liking. It had to be spring. And, spring meant he had surpassed the halfway point.

    Sigh escapes flared nostrils before muzzle draws in, towards breasts, in a stretch that rids the stiffness from each vertebrae and, muscle fibers. Jesper continues to loosen his chassis by stretching front limbs away from his body. Cranium lifts to hollow out top line and stretch the muscles away long spine. With a satisfied sigh, patellas extend to draw front hooves and cannon bones closer to torso. Weight shifts from haunches onto front pillars to haul Jesper to all fours. Limbs shake weakly from disuse; however, male remains upright. He takes a small step forwards and then, has to regain his balance once more. He repeats this process a few more times until he feels steady on his feet. He takes a single, deep inhale before onyx stallion emerges from the cave. He hugs the shoreline and takes the shortest path through the Sylvan undergrowth to get back on firm, dry ground. Once there, Jesper puts a much distance between him and, the lake as he could before the pains of hunger directed him towards nourishment.
    carnage x bethanie

    I think that is a wrap. Thank you so much, Radar for the truly invigorating words and, for making me use my knowledge of anatomy in conjunction with my creativity. Awesome thread and, I am so thrilled with all of the character development we made for Jesper. <3

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    RE: best have your wits about you [Maugrim] - by Jesper - 05-19-2018, 10:47 PM

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