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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    At the edge of the water || Klaudius
    i'm way too
    good at goodbyes

    Weak. That was what she’d once been. Weak to his advances and shamefully moldable beneath the effects of his touch. She despised herself and the creature she had become due to their one stolen moment in time. The pain she had felt in the wake of her bitter disappointment clung to her in a way she hadn’t expected or wanted it to. Before he had come crashing into her bubble, she had been contented in the life she’d led. Blood and bruises had become a trifle, a mere common occurrence in her striving to become the best she could be. The violent touch of her competition was worth no more than the annoyance of a mosquito’s bite, and yet with just a few touches he had managed to unhinge her. The betrayal of her body and heart haunted her – followed by the stabbing wound of the knife he had plunged into her heart. For months she had peered around every corner hoping to find him there within the shadows, awaiting her arrival. She’d wondered if he’d longed for her in the way she wished to see him there before her once more, to feel the touch of his lips upon the soft of her neck. Instead, when her desires had finally materialized into reality, she hadn’t been the figure he’d sought out. Without so much as an apologetic glance in her direction he had shamelessly entertained the affections of another.
    Movement behind him drew her attention as their two daughters struggled to master the lankiness of their limbs. Creatures of both Ischia and Tephra, they would forever stand as a reminder of her one moment of weakness. However, they were beautiful. The eldest of the two was a carbon copy of herself. Tall, stocky and agile despite the delicate features of her face. The little one, however, was pure Arabic beauty. Dainty and fragile her lavender tufts of mane framed the rick brown her coat well, softening her even more. With matching purple gazes, they watched Mosrael expectantly. For a moment the mare felt something inside of her shift almost as though it were making room for something.
    Stubbornly her eyes flit back to meet his, softer if only for a moment. He is lost again, traveling to some deep and distant thought. It is impossible for her not to see the haunting image of her dancing just beyond his deepest pools. When he spoke, his voice was clear and rich as he reemerges from the places she could not follow. An itch of a grin is upon the edges of his lips and the expression almost feels mocking against the reality of their conflict.
    “Then what do you want of me, Klaudius?” she demanded, her tone sharp and unwavering. “You have made your feelings for me painfully clear and I’ve come to the realization that I am incapable of being all that you would ask of me. I will not stay hidden away behind your precious volcano while you run about impregnating every mare in Beqanna. I cannot – no, will not settle for anything less than what I am worth to myself.”
    He was who was going to be, that much was painfully obvious to her. Mosrael would not force change upon him, even for her gain. She clearly was not worth the effort.
    A soft voice interrupted the still of her final declaration and her eyes locked onto the eldest girl as she slowly tottered nearer to them. Mama? she had said, almost expectantly and Mosrael’s resolve shattered. Visions of her own mother, Galilee, flooded her mind as sweet memories awakened a longing she’d been ignoring for far too long. She could not abandon her girls upon Tephra.
    Stiffly, the sore mare pushed past Klaudius and she approached the fillies with newfound confidence. Nuzzling them gently towards the source of her she encouraged them as they began to nurse vigorously. With eyes deeply rooted in sadness she glanced over her shoulder towards Klaudius.
    “I will stay,” she relented, her voice still wrought with unforgiveness and hurt. “But not for you, for them.”  


    Okay, so I tried to wrap this up as best that I could. In summery, she basically doesn't think that she is worthy enough for him to change and she isn't about to ask him too, nor is she going to be willing to continue a romantic relationship with him unless/ until he does? Idk, I see her flip flopping a lot in their coming threads. We can start a new one with them and a separate one for the girls? Let me know!

    Messages In This Thread
    At the edge of the water || Klaudius - by Mosrael - 05-20-2018, 10:32 AM
    RE: At the edge of the water || Klaudius - by Mosrael - 06-03-2018, 06:36 PM

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