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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    always moving, blinding sun [Vi]
    Burn slow, burning up the back wall
    Long roads, where the city meets the sky
    Most days, most days stay the sole same
    Please stay, for this fear will not die
    She isn’t sure why, but something draws her to the north today.

    The springtide weather feels familiar, the tepid weather in the south pressed close at her roan coat, raising patches of sweat on her flanks when she dared to exert herself, but the beaches called to her - the sands. Perhaps south or the west would have made more sense, where the climates were warmer and the sands more golden, and that is why she finds herself somewhat confused by her northerly route. Past the forested mountains of Hyaline, where the hills and peaks climbed too high for her liking, up to the grayish shores of Nerine.

    There was a thrumming in her chest, something that somehow told her she must go north, not south to the golden breaches. Her fur still glimmers gently with gold itself, grains held there by her telekinesis, grains from the Deserts before they had been destroyed. She would probably never release them, not without good reason. She held them in memory of her father Vanquish, of her home, of the land that had finally birthed her and released her from that void in which she had been stowed away like some filthy secret.

    Her memories were something of a fog, though she remembered those dunes, the golden sun beneath which she had been raised, beneath which she had wandered. The light here in Nerine is not quite the same - even in the spring, it feels pale and silvery. Volcan lowers her head, huffing gently at the smell of the salty ocean and something more mineral-based, much more like stone and rock than she’d ever known. Her heart thrums harder and she wonders again why she found herself here. But then, the magic of Beqanna was strange - perhaps it was some kind of fate.

    She does not know of her many ties to this place, of all her family who live here. She knows that Vanquish had not been her true father, but she had simply believed herself to be perhaps a spawn of the magical Dewdrop Deserts themselves, of Beqanna itself. But even now, as she twirls some of the wet sand into odd figures of misshapen forms - small horses and perhaps what could be taken for cacti, little dunes and horses that galloped over them - her heart thrums with an excitement she does not recognize. Her head is cocked to one side as part of her mind wonders why while the rest of her just relaxes in the cooler air, surprised at how nice it feels.

    Was there something here that she was supposed to do? Someone she was supposed to meet?

    @[Vi] (I reread the message you sent me about how Vi would remember their shared heartbeats so I thought I'd stress that in this post for you because I know she's blind ;]  feel free to powerplay a little if you need to! I'm excited for her to meet everyone Big Grin and I think Jaya had played her as knowing about Scorch's death and everything... but Sid had mentioned to me that we could kinda forget about that, so that's how I'm playing her - that she doesn't even know any of her family)

    Messages In This Thread
    always moving, blinding sun [Vi] - by Volcan - 05-29-2018, 05:38 PM
    RE: always moving, blinding sun [Vi] - by Vi - 06-03-2018, 06:31 PM

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