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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Blood is Thicker Than Water //Any\\

    He is not blind from his place in the sky.  Silver gaze finds others nearing and the identifying lilac of his bloodlines marches amongst others.  He figures they have brought her home finally.

    Remaining collected, his revolution high above any clouds continues as he simply observes the gathering.  Another joins but from the distance and his only clue to his arrival is his daughter exclamation and sudden departure from the meeting.  Her affections for her brother overrides any care to remain for the discussion of politics that is sure to be transpiring.  A shift in his weight brings him to move farther into the kingdom and further examine the reunion of his heirs.

    They begin to walk inland where it doesn't take long for another familiar form to begin to linger.  He smirks at the sudden appearance of the bay blanketed mare that has bore his other set of twins.  The families would soon come together and that is when ideas start to mull in his skull.  About how nice it would be to not have to meddle over such trivial things as kingdoms do.  To live free from structure set forth by some ruler.  Used for the gain of others and not ruler of your own destiny.  Yes.  This was a future he could see for his family and others of the same mentality.

    If he was to present this idea though, they would not be safe here.  With a confirming nod to himself, as his wings flap casually at his sides, he decides to act.  Tipping downward to earth, he descends effortlessly.  Finding a landing space nearby efficient for his large expanse of wings without risk of injury is often hard.  With limbs outstretched to plant among the lava rock once again, he settles into a casual walk to join his children and lover...

    "Welcome back Karat.  I am glad to see you were returned safely..." he states simply before his features turn serious.  He continues, "But I am afraid changes are upon us.  I am challenging Warrick for Tephra.  My hope is for you, Kromium to protect us in a new ideal land.  One free of tyrants and positions.  A land for all those looking for a place to raise their families away from the political schemes of Beqanna." His eyes meet his sons and then shift to Mosrael, "You must all leave here at once though.  It is my suggestion Mos that you return to Ischia with Ketzia and Kove.  Hopefully your father allows you and them asylum still." He knows what this challenge may mean, and the outcome to transpire after.  That the daughter of Brennen may receive punishment for remaining at his side.  So he expects nothing from her and allows her to leave with their daughters. "Krom, take Karat and flee to the Taiga until I come find you.  If spring comes and I have not returned do not come find me.  Protect your sisters and your family.  Promise me you will do this?" He has already lost so much from the failed rule of kingdoms that he cannot bare to think his children could be lost to it as well.  So this is what he will fight for on the battlegrounds once more...

    That is all he says before he is lifting himself into the skies.  This time lower and towards to coast where the younger twins were sure to be frolicking.  He would bid them farewell before returning to the skies.

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    @[Mosrael] Once K has left maybe this thread can move onto where Kove and Ketzia are and they can part ways from there.  Ketzia can chose to stay with iron boy too Wink

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Blood is Thicker Than Water //Any\\ - by Klaudius - 06-23-2018, 09:53 AM

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