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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    she got gold doorknobs / breckin
    "Yes, I think I'd prefer to keep the sensation in my legs for now," she responds to Wishbone's remark with a rapidly growing smile.  The Khaleesi's own question stills its increasing size for a moment, considering what they could possibly do.  Aside from travelling to other kingdoms and trying to learn as much as possible, or trying to figure out her own muddled emotions, there was not much else the spotted mare could come up with.  Perhaps there was one thing Breckin could think of, but it would entail divulging a bit of a personal secret to the deep bay mare.  Brows begin to furrow then, momentarily scrutinizing the possibility of the outcome, before her pale features begin to relax again, resolving to recognize the deeply engrained instinct that she could trust Wishbone.

     "I'd like to show you something,"  her soft voice says at last, shifting her body ttowards the slag ridden path leading back to the shore.  The leopard mare doesn't bother to look back to see if she follows, the sounds of dulled hoof falls behind are indication enough.

    When their hooves meet with the cool granules, she begins to speak again, heading methodically towards an inconspicious place where the beach and grey cliffs meet,  "I like to collect small things of interest from my journeys,"  she explains.  A warn stone the size of a horses head lies within the nook of the cliff, and this is where the spotted mare stops, finally looking back towards Wishbone.   "I tend to favor sifting the coasts though, you never know what might wash up with the waves." 

    Looking back to the rock, her concentration deepens, willing the inanimate object to gently rise and shift to the side, revealling a shallowed hole filled with various relics in differing shapes and sizes.   "In my spare time, I like to also practice this odd ability I seem to possess now,"  she says with a shaded smile, sifting briefly through the pile before finding the item she had sought.  Daily she practiced her gift, but each day was a new struggle.  So many new limits she could push herself to, it was thrilling and infuriating.  The best she could lift was the size of the rock that concealed her treasure, but the girl seriously hoped that was not the maximum she could accomplish.  It was yet another barrier she hoped to break someday.

    A small sapphire toned object rises upward and between the duo, allowing Wishbone the opportunity to see it in better light.  It's coloring was bright and muted at the same time, jagged in appearance, but its edges worn smooth.  Apparrently, it had been weathered long enough for a small hole to perforate the middle of it.

    They'd only just met, but when Breckin's deep gaze finds Wishbone's, there's an unspoken request for her Queen to trust in her actions as she moves the piece into the sun touched tangles of her mane.  Though many adornments are already ensnared there, she finds a place to gently string the sapphire piece, smiling softly as she imagines the lovely sound it would probably make in the right wind if it shifted alongside one of the other ornaments.

     "I don't think it's original to Nerine,"  she explains while she works steadily,  "but in truth neither are we.  That doesn't really make it less Nerinian though.  It is not a perfect relic.  It's shaped from it's past, fractured even maybe, but still whole and withstanding, polished upon Nerine's grey coast;  something a couple of young broads like us may relate to."    A teasing laugh follows, before she adds,  "But I'd like you to have this, as a reminder of the ancient Amazonian resiliency for wherever you go." 

    When her work is done, she slowly retracts the fingers of her telekinetic whims, brushing along the full length of the jet strands delicately, intricately stirring a soft jingle of the newly placed seastone upon its mantle.  Breckin withdraws her ability completely then, searching for Wishbone's reaction to the Idrilat's gesture.  Sincerely, she hoped that the mahogany mare would not react adversely to what she'd just done; afterall, Breckin had just shared not one, but two carefully guarded secrets.  No one else knew of the stockpile she kept or the ability she possessed.

     "I'm glad I chose Nerine also, Bones." 

    @[Wishbone] the blue thing is actually a piece of sea glass to give you a better idea. if I need to change anything let me know, I tried to keep her curiosity subtle and not so subtle at the same time.  Wanted to leave it open to Wishbone's interpretation, whatever she feels ;]

    Messages In This Thread
    she got gold doorknobs / breckin - by Wishbone - 06-16-2018, 10:35 PM
    RE: she got gold doorknobs / breckin - by Breckin - 06-18-2018, 04:38 PM
    RE: she got gold doorknobs / breckin - by Breckin - 07-06-2018, 11:10 AM
    RE: she got gold doorknobs / breckin - by Breckin - 07-26-2018, 10:52 AM

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