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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise, birthing, anyone.
    Briseis had never been one for rash decisions, but even the calm and collected made mistakes sometimes. She had not considered that night by the river a “mistake”, not until the first time she felt something almost alien stirring inside of her. Brushing the notion aside, she had ignored it until it finally became impossible. By the end of winter it was quite clear that her union with Leilan had been....fruitful. Her barrel was visibly enlarged, and the kicks of the child growing inside of her had become much more powerful. She had never imagined herself to be a mother, she didn’t think she had the maternal instincts for it. The idea of having something that relied solely on her to survive was frightening, but clearly it was too late to turn back now.

    Considering she had always preferred solitude, she wasn’t even sure if anyone in Hyaline had noticed her new state. The wild mustang still preferred the quietness of the shadows to the activity that often took place at the center of the land, and it was along the outskirts that she remained. Eventually, her secret would be discovered. It would be difficult to hide a child glued to her side.

    The trees were still beginning to bud their limbs, and the air still held a lingering bite to it, but the time had finally come. The sun was low in the sky, with night beginning to fall, but it had been hours since she first has begun pacing restlessly. After the final pale streaks of sun had faded, she lowers herself to the ground, the pain having become unbearable. Writhing from the contractions, dirt and leaves sticking to her damp skin, her body heaves with the strength of her pushing. She is doing her best to remain quiet and not attract attention to herself but she cannot help but to groan as she doubles her efforts. Her black coat glistens with sweat, her tangled mane clinging to her neck as she struggles to expel the life that had been growing inside of her. The ground around her is broken and churned from her thrashing hooves, but at long last, she feels some semblance of relief.

    Her eyes close for a moment, her sides still panting. She can feel something stirring behind her and finally she forces herself to sit up. Fatigued, she stands, turning around to inspect the wet bundle that lay trembling in the grass. Instinctevly, she pulls the pale sac away from the newborns face, her warm tongue working its away across her damp skin. Even before the filly is dry she recognizes the roan coloring, complete with a golden metallic blaze down the center of her face. Briseis cannot help but to smile, amused at how the universe made sure to make the filly look like the father - perhaps a future reminder to Briseis to think before she acted next time. ”Chryseis,” she murmurs gently as she continues to clean and dry the shivering body. For the first time in her life, she felt something that she was pretty sure was love spread through her heart.

    you’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece

    No one really needs to reply I just wanted an actual birthing post lol although if there are any other children Chryseis will need friends!

    Messages In This Thread
    You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise, birthing, anyone. - by Briseis - 07-21-2018, 02:29 PM

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