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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  somewhere between the sand and the stardust; Levi
    somewhere between the sand and the stardust
    The heat of his skin pressing against her, his lips tracing invisible threads across her marbled blue and white, the heady breaths escaping her lips, it all tangles together until she is lost in sensation. Her own lips find his red and white, soft and seeking, though she is not quite certain what it is she searches for. She just knows it feels right to have his salty, hot skin against her lips and tongue.

    He finds the hollows and curves of her flesh, touching and exploring, discovering places she hadn’t known could be so sensitive, drawing gasps and shivers as she loses herself in him. But then he abruptly withdraws and she nearly falls into the space he had just vacated, so entirely unaware of how much she had leaned against him in her want. She blinks wide blue eyes at him, surprise and confusion subtly radiating. But then he is drawing her with him, and she goes willingly, without a word.

    He could command anything of her in that moment and she would do it without question.

    He directs her steps so easily, his heavy chest pressed against her as long leaves shiver past her skin and vines cling briefly. Her entire body feels hot and strange, restless, as he uses his greater heft and superior strength to drive her into the depths of the volcanic flora. She doesn’t even try to resist, her skin singing and her soul humming with the incredible feeling of rightness it brings. As though this is always what she had been waiting for.

    She gasps when he uses his teeth the draw her to a halt, shivers racing along her skin as it prickles with heated awareness. She settles so easily against him, the only place she has ever fit, has ever truly belonged. Show me what you want. His breath is warm and seductive against her skin. She stills for a moment, uncertain of what he asks. She wants him. Just him. But it feels as though he requires more.

    She hesitates for a moment before reaching for him. She is unpracticed and unskilled, in all that he asks. But for him, she would try. And so, gently, briefly, she commands his sight. She shows him touching her skin, his lips kissing and seeking. His teeth holding, directing. Him, pressing against her so deliciously, as he had before. And then she releases him, a faint uncertainty in her blue gaze as she releases a shaky breath. There is more. So much more. But her own uncertainty and shy innocence prevent her from being able to reveal it.


    there is a pulse that echoes of you and I

    I couldn't help myself :|

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    RE: somewhere between the sand and the stardust; Levi - by Rapture - 10-26-2018, 12:21 PM

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