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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  A lonely road for just a ghost // Jassal Pony
    "  when she's coming for my heart it feels like armageddon. "

    His mouth is flooded by the taste of copper and salt the moment his teeth sink into her neck. But he doesn’t want to end her just yet, so he refrains from letting his venom into her veins. Still, he thinks of seeing her body twitch as the final seconds of life slip from between her fingers. A dream within a dream. But then there are ragged claws tearing his face open to paint his vision red and he releases the queen from his grasp. A guttural snarl erupts from him as he tries to see through the searing pain but another swipe of her paws connects with his shoulder.

    Vulgaris is backing away and snapping his teeth blindly in the hopes of catching her. His thermal vision is a blur of blues, reds, and oranges as he tries to spot the leopard. There, bundled and ready to pounce again, he sees her next to Kagerus with her own fangs bared in defiance of everything he desires. The serpent blinks a few more times but his eyes remain coated in hot blood as it continues to flow down his face.

    He hisses as he bursts forward again and they catch each other in their teeth this time. Panthera is yowling and swiping wildly with her claws while he squeezes his jaws together tighter on whatever part of her he’s managed to latch on to. Vulgaris is jerking his head back and forth like a wild dog until the meat of her comes loose in his mouth. As much as he savors the taste of it, he releases her and shakes her from his body before spitting the tuft of her skin onto the ground.

    But then the dream bursts and the world is just a rainy forest again. His wounds are oozing, still, and the pain is chewing through him until he can hardly see straight. The serpent’s eyes find Panthera and Kagerus again but they are both unscathed and pristine save for the red dripping from the cat’s mouth. He alone bears the proof of their violence but he’s rather pleased by the burning lines across his face and shoulders now.

    Next time, none of your magic. Only honest agony,” he says as his chest heaves for breath. Then he turns and begins his journey back to Loess, back to Leliana and their unborn daughter. He’ll seek out the dream queen again when his scars have healed so she can see the raw beauty of what they have made together.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: A lonely road for just a ghost // Jassal Pony - by vulgaris - 09-09-2018, 11:06 PM

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