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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Can You Handle This Much Merry? ||Merry||

    He had a smile on his maw that matched her feelings, it was contagious and one of her own tugged at her lips. She asks were his home was and he responds that he does not love in this forest, but a different one. His 'forest' is darker, and quieter, he lives there alone with his mother. He says that sometimes a few equines will linger around, but they seem to stay away, her head tilts in confusion. Mary has never heard of such a place, nor a second forest, but of course she believed her new found friend.

    That sounds nice the words slip her maw, it was the polite thing to say after all right? I mean, it could be fun to not be in a kingdom atmosphere, but Mary is also always finding time away from the kingdom because she is alone. Although the kingdom is highly populated, she rarely runs into anyone, and being alone was a fear she was not ready to face.

    Mary offers him to come to Sylva but he shakes his head I think Momma very much likes our home, and I do too. He did not have to apologize, she understands, even though she does not like living under her fathers rule she could not see her living away from Sylva. I haven't found a pather to have for a friend yet he says I understand Merry saying her own name to another was weird, it caused a slight giggle to escape her maw.

    His head tilts, he became slightly more reserved as he inquired her visiting to help him find the panther he spoke of. Yes!! She said ecstatically, not only because she wanted to remain his friend, but she LOVED exploring beqanna, what a perfect opportunity. I have never seen a panther before, I would love to help you! And to see your home her face expressed a genuine smile. If you ever find yourelf by Sylva, come visit me! She turns her head to look back towards her home I should probably head back Merry, my father will be looking for me when he finds I am missing. She sighs at the thought of leaving her friend I am glad I met you Mary her maw reaches over to gently touch his shoulder How will I know where to find your forest? She inquires, hoping to visit him soon.

    Long May She Reign


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    RE: Can You Handle This Much Merry? ||Merry|| - by Mary - 10-19-2018, 08:42 PM

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