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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  don't be scared, sing your song, bring your soul to it; rhaegor
    Listening and following directions were both very boring, and so was staying put. Plus, she needed lots more practice making her feet less trippy, and the best way to do that was to try, right? Right. So she wandered off away from the Meadow toward the big tall white-capped green that looked oh, so inviting. She wasn’t really sure why, mind you, but it tugged at her chest, making her think warm, cozy, safe thoughts. And warm was suuuper helpful, ‘cause it was shivery-cold and she had only her baby fluff to keep her snuggly warm. Baby fluff and a warm belly that was maybe still leftover from her encounter with the fairy bug that had pointed her down the mountain and toward the Meadow in the first place.

    Anyhows. She’d rested up and was ready to have an adventure, and so she wandered off toward the big tall green. Or really, it didn’t look so big and tall at first, just a smudge on the horizon where the ground met the pretty blue sky. It wasn’t really ‘til she got much closer that it looked like more than just a smudge, and it wasn’t ‘til she got really close that she realized it was LOTS more than a smudge, and was in fact very much taller than she was. And wider, and deeper, and just bigger in all the directions. Still, the shade looked nice and inviting, and she liked the way the sun beamed down and trickled through the branches overhead, leaving dappley patterns on the ground for her to pounce and stomp on and dance through, making a game of just stepping on the shadows or the light in turn.

    She wandered deep into the forest, not paying a whole lot of attention to where exactly she was going, following that gentle little coaxing tug on her chest, humming a whimsical little tune as she bounced from one bit of sun to the next. “Hm hm hmmm,” a new note with each touch of hoof to earth, pale silvery gold eyes wide and a grin on her little baby face. “I like trees, trees are nice, trees make the wind behaaa--oof!” Her sing-songy little ditty ended abruptly when she discovered a very important reason why trees were less nice than she had originally thought.


    She glowered at the offending meanie-headed tripper beast, and stuck out her tongue. “Trees are jerks with nasty feets, and nobody liiikes themmm!” she growl-sang, ears pinned back and brow furrowed. “You? Are a butthead. And you don’ even have a butt, OR a head, so that’s gotta be saying something. I’m going ‘way now. Don’ follow me,” she huffed, clambering to her feet and scurrying away from the tricksy, tripsy tree. “Rude,” she muttered, glancing back over at it after a careful look at the ground ahead of her to make sure there were no more rude roots to reach out and play pranks on unsuspecting babies.

    Messages In This Thread
    don't be scared, sing your song, bring your soul to it; rhaegor - by Xero - 09-04-2018, 11:42 AM

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