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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins
    He's moving forward in a daze when his friend finds him. Friend, as close of one as he's ever had. More than he deserves, perhaps. He feels the feverish heat of him coming up beside him, doesn't need to look at him to know who it is. His blood heats in reaction to the man's lips brushing his neck, and he shivers just a bit as his breath cools his currently evermore sensitive skin. Damn him, that he affects him this way. Maybe always would. He can't say it isn't natural or right, because it had swept over them both just the same. Neither had asked for it, but had found something they needed in each other. Even if he still doesn't always know for sure what it is. He definitely needs to hear the three words that come next though. Dizzy is safe. A deep ragged sigh of relief. The most pleasant news since all this shit began.

    He wants to stop walking. Tired, so tired. But he doesn't. Can't stop. Might not be able to start again. He needs to cough, but stifles it so as not to miss the words being spoken. Dizzy and Dovev had found a place where she wouldn't get sick. So she hasn't gotten it then. Good. And the girls would be safe there too, when they found them. There was so 'if'. The urge to see their faces grows and spurs him on, even as Dov's lips and teeth graze his jaw. He groans softly, before pinning his ears and snapping at the air between them. There would come a time for necessary distractions, but now wasn't it. His gaze, hazy as it was, scans the trees ahead and around them as they approached the river. He wants to call out, but coughs wrack him instead. Again and again, until he is forced to stop and put his head between his knees to gasp for air. Damn this sickness. All his fault.

    Dov was speaking again, and he tries to listen even as he tries to gain his bearings. When his words sink in, Zor's amethyst specked eyes shoot up at him in a questioning glower. Took a girl in? Why in the hell.. He snorts and shakes his head, clearing his throat in attempt to ease the burn there. Better not to ask perhaps. Who is he to judge a situation he knows nothing about. At least not yet. Surely he would tell him the story, just not now, when he has his own to worry about.

    And then, like music to his ears, their voices carry over the trickling river. Or at least one of them. His heart jolts to a stop in his chest and his breath holds until he sees them. Both of them. His baby girls. And then the thundering in his chest match the beating of his hooves as he rushes to meet them and scooping them into his embrace. "Oh, my girls. My baby girls.." His voice is like gravel, but he forces it out. He nuzzles his face into Zoe's hair, kisses her sweet face. Zynnie was quiet and almost like she was wary. He moves to sweep her forelock from her eyes that match his own, and murmurs loving things to her as he clutches her to him. "I'm so sorry it's been so long, my loves. I missed you both. You weren't scared though, were you? So smart to stay where I could find you." Zyn and then Zoe, he nuzzles and can't stop holding them. Pulls away only to take in the sight of them. To be sure they were unharmed. Seemed to be alright. Their beautiful eyes kept going to the other man behind him, so he turns- smile on his lips and a tear in his eye. "Girls, this is Dovev. He won't hurt you. He's going to take us to your mother, where you'll all be safe. Dov, this is Zynistra- Zynnie, and this is Dizorien- Zoe." His lips ruffle their heads, respectively, and then he nudges them softly. "Let's go, the sooner the better."

    Messages In This Thread
    The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins - by Zoryn - 11-25-2018, 07:04 PM
    RE: The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins - by Dovev - 11-25-2018, 09:13 PM
    RE: The Secret Side of Me|Dov, twins - by Zoryn - 12-10-2018, 12:00 AM

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