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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Holding you close feels like a cut throat
    Pacing as I am, Castile's arrival isn't surprising. He's a hard creature to miss normally, awe inspiring in his reptilian guise. Gazing out over the sea I watch as the dark speck in the sky grows into the shape of a great winged beast. Shifting my weight mindlessly I can see every stroke of his wings, the curl of his tail in the wind. I'm not surprised, and still I flinch when his claws crash home into the granite cliffside. 

    Suddenly the kinetic motion ceases. Miela is behind me, huddled against the wall in a feverish doze. I remember the way he'd looked at her, the predatory gleam that had filled his eyes at her birth. It's not there now, as we stand considering each other. I may as well be a rabbit in the face of a midnight wolf, for all the damage I could do. I didn't have to guess at that, not with our history. Still... my gaze drops away shamefully. Am I so far gone that I believe he'd hurt me willfully? 

    "You're a damn idiot, drake." I can feel my anger bubbling back up, teeth gritting against each other in frustration. "A plague, is it? I should have guessed. You may yet get your wish, you know. Miela is... Miela is very sick. Like you are." There's the same brightness in his eyes, the same rattle in his breath. Swearing softly I realize I can't attack him. Not like this, when he's clearly already feeling so very low. Instead, I follow his line of sight. 

    The sun is dipping its toes in the ocean, painting the horizon with his jewel bright garments. So many sunsets. Hundreds of moon rises. Enough laps of this flat rock to wear a pale ring into the surface. I almost can't believe it when I hear him offer what I had been so set on demanding. Liberation. Freedom. A chance to get my girl to a healer, and Castile too, if he'd allow it. Swallowing back a lump of emotion, I nod without looking at him. "Please. I don't care where. I- we, can't stay here any longer."

    In the back of my mind I had been starting to believe that I'd be here forever. That sickness would take the fairy girl, and Castile would decide I was becoming too much trouble to bother with, and leave me to waste on my remote rock for the rest of eternity. Hungry, thirsty, cold, but unable to die. A grim train of thought, but I'd had little else to fill my days. Just thinking and pacing and watching my daughter fade away. My head turned to face him, eyes glinting like cracked jewels when they caught the dying light. "Let us go, Cas. Please. I love you for what you did for me, but it's time." Looking back toward the half- sleeping girl I notice the rainbowed firelight the sunset is drawing from my coat, and with that the nature of my paramour is remembered to me. Perhaps I should be flattered? A dragon hiding his treasure from the world, protecting it as well as he knew how. It was the last thing I felt like, but maybe that was how he saw me. His treasure. 

    @[Castile] @[Miela]

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Holding you close feels like a cut throat - by Miela - 12-05-2018, 08:33 PM
    RE: Holding you close feels like a cut throat - by Sabra - 12-06-2018, 05:59 PM

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