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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    never seen a morning rising brighter; wonder

    because the very thing you're afraid of, it keeps you clean but unclear
    it's the dirt that you're made of and that’s nothing to fear

    They are opposites and yet they work perfectly together. Smoke and fire, soft and harsh, they collide and balance, each filling in the spaces of the other’s soul. Her words soothe him, ease the ache on the ragged edges of his soul, and he has no way of knowing that she will always have this affect on him. That she will bring out the best in him—will drive him to show off for her but will also remind him to be gentle. To go easy, to remind him that there are other avenues of resolution instead of just teeth and hoof.

    She cheers as he attempts flight, throwing his body further and further forward into the airstreams that carry him. He is proud, prouder than he has ever felt when he hears her cries, and his wings beat down stronger as he grits his teeth, pushing further up. He isn’t able to soar as much as he wants, but he is able to rise further in the air, the mere inches between him and the earth opening up to several feet.

    He lifts his head and bugles, the sound triumphant.

    It is exhausting though, and he isn’t able to maintain it.

    Soon, he dives back down and touches his hooves to the earth, once again stumbling as he fights to make the transition from flight to running smoothly. Once he regains his balance, he throws a wild grin over his shoulder at his sister and then slows to catch his breath. They still have a while to go before they make it all the way to the volcano, although the mountain of it looms over them closer and closer.

    He wheezes, sweat darkening the already rich color of his coat.

    “Do you think the volcano will be hot enough to melt us?” he asks, innocent enough in his curiosity as he looks to her, to his anchor in this wild world. “I’d protect you,” he reassures her quickly, his chest puffing out a little as he walks, still struggling to catch his breath a little. “I’d never let anything hurt you.”

    i will follow the feeling and sing fever to the form

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    RE: never seen a morning rising brighter; wonder - by brigade - 12-16-2018, 10:11 PM

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