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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    like the dawn, you broke the dark - magnus/any

    everything we are, it just went away
    with a slide of the tongue and a sour taste

    Why, why, why did she tell them she would travel to Tephra with Solace and Yidhra? You’re such a fool. Tephra is where Sunny lives, you dolt. Of course, the odds of running into him are incredibly high here and of course, he wants nothing to do with you; he made that abundantly clear when he abandoned you on the beach in the Cove. The bear ripples uncontrollably under her skin, and her shape wavers vaguely before them. She struggles to push it back down—to push everything down—but it’s almost easier just to surrender to the bear. She has to focus on something else, anything else.

    She is standing close to Solace—close enough to portray a united front, but not close enough to touch—when he approaches, studiously avoiding her gaze. What is he thinking about? she wonders, unable to pull her gaze from his emaciated body. She knew he was sick, but... he’s definitely taken a turn for the worse. She bites her lip and looks away as he embraces his mother, unable to interrupt such a private moment. He is here to be a diplomat, like she is; she can’t focus on things that happened weeks ago now, things that don’t matter.

    Clearly, she isn’t even on his mind anymore. She’s lost the one person who’d mattered most to her (aside from her mother, of course, but that is entirely different) and even though he can’t look her in the eye she knows that she doesn’t cross his mind. She is nothing but a negative blip to him now... her best friend. Her Sunny.

    I didn’t want to lose you, she thinks desperately, knowing that he can’t hear her and wouldn’t care anyways. Her declaration meant nothing to him, only to cause him heartache. Why, oh why, did she want to come to Tephra?

    She is so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she misses a great deal of the conversation, only tuning back in when Solace mentions healers. Healers? Her dam is a healer, and a damned good one at that. She hears Island Resort as well and perks up for the first time since arriving, shifting her weight around as she rolls her shoulders. Her horn gleams in the sunlight as she waits for a lull in the conversation.

    “My mother is a healer,” she says once Magnus falls silent. “She lives in Island Resort; she was one of the first there.” Eyes turn to her—sans Rhaegor, she assumes, but refuses to glance in his direction—and she shrinks beneath their gazes. She didn’t intend to really be a part of the conversation; this is only her first diplomatic trip and she is already shy as is, but sometimes she just can’t control her mouth. “Her name is C-Cress.” Oh great, just throw in a stutter and really sound pathetic.

    “I could talk to her and see if she will pay you a visit,” she tells Magnus, shivering slightly and wishing she could retreat back to her little corner once more. “She was born a healer so she’s been doing it a long time.” Good job, you just called your mom old.


    oh, it's gonna be a long night

    @Rhaegor since you're next<3

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    RE: like the dawn, you broke the dark - magnus/any - by Dawn - 01-06-2019, 10:03 PM

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