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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  a gleam, a flash // jah-lilah

    And in the dark of the night, Lightning-Crashes was all we could see.

    The memory of Jah's whispered words brings a warm, involuntary smile to his face. Masuda is nearly half a year old now and it still he is grinning from ear to ear at the thought of his youngest son ─ his and Jah-Lilah's. It's surreal, this life in Hyaline with his red wytch.

    And their child. Lightning-Crashes.

    A misty rain falls over the sanctuary territory today; it reminds him of the storm on the night of their son's birth, this time infinitely more tame, and instantly the gilded dragon moves away from the rippling lake to search for his love. The weight of his new wings (dragon-leather and just as gold as the rest of him) sits oddly at his shoulders, but he's sure they will grow more comfortable in time. They are new, after all ─ he'd awoken from an odd dream to their presence.

    Just like that, no hint or warning. And he had simply taken it to be an act of the Beqanna fairies. Or a mutation of the plague. But no matter the reason for them, they are a part of him now.

    "Come," he purrs when he finally finds his soothsayer, "Ilma can watch Masuda for a little while ─ let's go on an adventure." She had been so understanding of his commitment to Hyaline and of his desire to wake every morning to the scent of wysteria and cherry. But her soul is not the same as his, despite the ease with which they meld together. And it's time now for him to take some time away from his duties to seek the unknown with his love.

    To lean into the wanderlust.

    And that's exactly what he plans to do.

    "I hear there are three territories that didn't exist the last time we were here. Shall we?"

    ─ don't get cut on my edges
    @[Jah-Lilah] ♥


    Messages In This Thread
    a gleam, a flash // jah-lilah - by Amet - 04-20-2019, 10:22 PM
    RE: a gleam, a flash // jah-lilah - by Jah-Lilah - 04-21-2019, 01:09 AM

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