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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Sidewalk scenes and black limousines (Any)
    The girl fades before her, blending into the earthen floor as if she’d never even been there.  Had Catcher not seen it herself, or already caught the scent of sunshine and airy things on the pegasus, then she might’ve actually believed she had melted into the forest ground and disappeared for good.  A quick blink of the serpent’s eyes gives away the winged one’s heat signature for good measure before switching back again.  She couldn’t help it; she had to be extra sure the girl was still there for one reason or another.

    With surprising speed, the pegasus reappears with eyes trained directly on the chestnut painted filly, holding her captive with a strange intensity that caused  her to stiffen.   “Neat trick” she utters quickly, unsure of what else to say as the agile girl wraps around her, followed by a muffled oof as their bodies met. Feeling a little awkward, having never really been embraced by anyone other than her mother and father, she takes half a step backward before the other girl pulls away.  Was this the way that “friends” acted? She’d always been curious, but mother always moved them around every few days or so, so making and keeping friends had never been possible. “ I’m just glad you’re alright.”

    She hadn’t been able to notice before, but as the girl pushes back, her honey eyes fall along the drying trail of tears that stained her face.  The look of  thoughtful confusion dispels into a soft smile of concern, finally getting a good look at the girl she would now know as Eyas.  

    Between quiet giggles she says, “Well I’m definitely not a bear in this realm, but I’m definitely a something else. Or at least that’s what my mother calls me sometimes.” With a shrug of faux innocence, her smile grows a little bit wider in comfortable mischief.

    “My name is Catcher. Were you looking for something? Is that why you got lost?”


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Sidewalk scenes and black limousines (Any) - by Catcher - 05-21-2019, 02:18 PM

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