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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  you're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece, Aldric

    He had never heard the word Hyaline before the day he’d stumbled across it’s border, seeking high ground following the quaking that accompanied the eruption of Tephra’s volcano and the ash it poured into the heavens. Truth be told, if he had known he would have found her here he would absolutely have come, but follow her he had not.

    Hyaline—its name means glass-like according to the Primarch—has turned out to be a place where he can maintain his autonomy while finally finding something to moor himself to. He has not quite decided how he will serve the purpose of the mountain territory, but has not been pushed to do anything but make himself comfortable. Of course he hasn’t gotten comfortable, knowing that Chryseis is here and that at some point he will speak with her again and find out if the chemistry between them were real or a fleeting thing belonging only to that night on the river. In order not to seem too eager to meet her again he has spent his time thus far developing friendships with Kensa, Valek, and some others. During one of their meetings Kensa had made him a proposition but when he declined (it should not have been so easy for him) she had looked at him a moment as if he were as mad as he felt and then she had laughed. It was a beautiful laugh but it confused him with both its mirth and its kindness and he realized she saw right through him, perhaps even knew that it was Chryseis he watched for, his arabian heritage making a fine showing with all the tension in his carriage.

    Aldric hopes that Chryseis does not read him as easily when she approaches him beneath the full summer sun. He has managed to relax, heel cocked, atop a grassy rise overlooking the vast lake having allowed his mind to strike out on an aimless wander just long enough to fail to notice her approach at first and so avoid looking like a posturing idiot. Instead the roan woman settles beside him and the green eyed stallion meets her amused gaze guiltlessly. “Chryseis. Of course I am.” He had not thought he would make a joke but it leaves his mouth before he curb it. “Didn’t I tell you I’m a stalker?” This without the  deadpan expression that another might have worn to deliver the line, his smile being the sort that brightens his features no matter how he tries to suppress it. Aldric is too pleased to be speaking to her again, but his mind stutters again like the first time he'd seen her. Trying to trigger a flow of thought and thereby a flow of words he casts his gaze out over Hyaline, casually shifting his weight so that he leans toward her instead of away. “Kensa mentioned to me that you lived here before?” Having found something to say he turns his face back toward her, curious. He had not sought to discuss Chryseis with the other mare but she had mentioned it in passing and he had clung to the detail like a starved fool.


    @[Chryseis] Sup Crispy, it me, big smooth guy.

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    RE: you're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece, Aldric - by Aldric - 06-30-2019, 12:13 AM

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