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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i feel earthquakes and lightning; anyone
    There are a great many places Lepis would like her children to see. Many of them she has never seen herself, like the glittering Silver Cove, or the northern edge of the Icicle Isle, where it is said that rainbows fill the evening sky. Perhaps she’ll take them in the future, she thinks, perhaps that will be how they will remember her. That line of thought grows bittersweet after a moment, and she distracts herself by nodding agreeably with Izora Lethia’s mention of taking her children on vacation. There are a growing number of them, she knows. Celina is fond of Owin and the adopted Popinjay, Lepis knows that Lethy has recently borne Aten a son, and she’s seen a brightly colored filly that she suspects is another foundling. Lethy is certainly doing her part in helping Taiga grow and succeed, Lepis thinks, and is due for a commendation. Next meeting, she decides, she’ll make an announcement then.

    The buckskin mare answers Lepis’ questions then, and if Lethy’s mouth had been pulled thin, Lepis draw to nearly impossible edge with what the other mare has to say.

    Island Resort had been offered an alliance? It is not their refusal that furrows her brow, but rather that it had been offered to them at all. She had been explicit with Aten, she is certain. There was nothing to be gained in such a relationship, and everything to be lost. By all accounts, the island was a quiet and empty place – they have no great military aid to defend themselves, let alone Taiga. What had the champagne stallion been thinking? Had he purposefully sabotaged Taiga’s budding relationship with another land? And if so – why?

    Lepis has heard the name of the leader of the island, but she does not know him; they have certainly never met. That he’d respond negatively to her name (she, who as only ever led a land in times of peace, who has publicly sworn off the taking of captives, who has never taken part in any war) puzzles her, but she does not mean to give Izora Lethia a true reason to flinch away, like she does when she shares the news. Lepis make an effort to smooth the lines of her face and takes a deep breath. The sensation of calm is out of reach, like all of her magics seem to be, but she is a well-practiced diplomat, and she nods agreeably. 

    “This is all news to me,” she tells the buckskin mare, and there is enough perfect calm in her voice that, after her visual reaction earlier, is a blatant sign that she is forcing herself to react without emotion. “But, I suppose this is not the first time that things have been lost in translation between diplomats. Hyaline once attempt to declare war on Loess for a friendly steal, did you know?” The memory brings a wry smile to Lepis’ mouth, and a welcome distraction to her current train of thought. “I suppose I should use the lesson Kagerus and Solace learned from that incident, and not be too hasty in my own actions.”

    Rolling her shoulders, Lepis glances up at the sky, still clearing from the morning darkness.

    “Forgive me for cutting our conversation short, Lethy, but it seems I need to make my own visit to Island Resort, and clarify a few things with Ruinam. I intended you and Aten to make him an offer of friendship only, of mock battels and steals with no consequences.” Her words are clipped as she speaks farther, but it is clear from the distant way she looks up at the canopy that her anger is not directed at the purple-eyed mare beside her. That she makes her next request of Lethy is proof of that – she would not ask this of someone she does not still consider trusthworthy and dependable: “Would you mind keeping an eye on Elio until I return? Celina knows he is her responsibility when they play, but I worry he might antagonize her with his gifts.”

    With that settled, the blue-eyed mare trots to a wider clearing, and with a few heavy flaps of her golden wings, is airborne and heading Southwest.

    @[Izora Lethia]

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    RE: i feel earthquakes and lightning; anyone - by Lepis - 10-26-2019, 10:54 AM

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