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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  we're all just stories in the end, voracious
    She thought it would be easy to fall back into her old habits, but she was wrong.

    Ever since she had returned, her dreams were haunted by great stone castles and the sparkling city of Atlantis. She had always known her thirst for adventure was insatiable, but now that she had discovered there was more to Beqanna than what was on the surface – that there seemed to be portals that led to other bright, extraordinary lands – it was hard to be content with what was here. She knows there is magic hidden in every corner of this vast land, but her almost ravenous heart was not content with what was here. She wanted to find the rest. She wanted to seek out the hidden gems and the dark corners, she wanted to see what other brilliance this place had to offer but for now –

    For now, she just wants to find him.

    Castles and Atlantis found her in her dreams, but sometimes, he was there, too. The peryton boy that had ran through the tunnel with her, away from that lost city and back to here. 

    They had gone their separate ways, and today, since she was bored and had no other way to spend her time – and maybe because he was in her dream last night too – she sets off in search of him. 

    Dawn had not yet touched the sky when she leaves Tephra, leaving the glow of its great volcano at her back. She travels swiftly through Sylva and Loess, and then into the depths of the forest. She walks along the well-worn paths, peering through the dappled light in search of a flash of blue and cream. As usual she is careless in her travels, ignoring the way branches scratch her skin and dead leaves that still clung to the limbs found a new home in the long locks of her mane. She is too focused on the task at hand to worry over her appearance, not that she ever does anyway.

    It is not until she breaks free and into the clearing that leads to the river that she finally finds her first clue. Out here in the open the snow was able to accumulate on the ground, and in the waning afternoon light she sees an odd set of tracks. She stops, tilting her head to observe them closer. Cloven and bird-like prints, clearly belonging to the same creature.

    With a newfound vigor she nearly bounds forward, and it is not far up ahead that she finds his familiar, stag-like figure. “There you are!” She exclaims, as though he was just supposed to know she was going to wake up and decide to look for him today. She draws alongside of him, a little breathless from her travels and her cheeks flushed warm. It doesn’t occur to her that she looks exactly like someone that had been journeying all across Beqanna today, with debris in her tangled hair and dirt across the white splashes of her body. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You’re a lot harder to find than I thought you would be.” 

    But despite the almost reprimanding tone, there is a bright smile on her dark lips. With a tilt of her face the vibrant pink of her eyes find his own, and she asks with a genuine curiosity, “So, do you like Beqanna? Are you bored yet?”


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    we're all just stories in the end, voracious - by Aislyn - 11-04-2019, 02:23 AM

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