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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Be still, and listen to your heart [Roselin]
    Memorie brushes against her dark maw and the silver-black yearling filly smiles gently. She is almost the mirror-image of Yanhua and Rosey can see her older brother in the beaming face of the other girl. It makes her wonder who she looks like, that when she tilts her head this or that by the stream, will she find Leilan or Lilliana looking back at her?

    Roselin decides she would just rather look like herself.

    Neither are of her parents are dark-coated (though her mother explained once that she resembled an Uncle - Alvaro, was what she said his name was. Roselin sometimes wonders if she pulled her ebony coloring from her father's tattoos). Many of her siblings sport flaxen manes - like the one that is golden and gleaming in curling tufts along Memorie's slender neck - but even hers is brighter than theirs; Rosey's mane is as white as newly-fallen snow.

    "Do you do the thing that he does?" Rosey asks, suddenly curious. Her mother's gift had manifested in a few of her siblings - most notably Yan - and it made her curious if the trait had started to bloom in this latest generation. Her ebony head tilts, revealing a small star that normally remains hidden beneath her pale forelock. "I used to tease Mama and call it ghost-talking." The yearling shares with her, "but she says she can't see ghosts. Just things that have already... happened?"

    Lilliana's daughter starts to move down the trail that she had originally been traveling but glances behind her, waiting to see if Memorie would elaborate. Maybe it was different for the younger girl.

    One small ear pricks forward and Rosey grins at the question posed to her. "Lupines," she says again. Has Memorie never seen them? Something in her grows delighted at the thought because Roselin knows exactly where they grow. She focuses and tries to imagine the flowers as she had seen them the day before in hopes that @[Memorie] might catch a glimpse of them. The clearing that she had discovered them was a bit of a journey but the sun was still rising and Roselin assumed they both had a few hours before they would have to return to their respective resting places. "Okay!" says Roselin. "We'll start with the little meadow I found and I can show you the lupines." The girl explains to her new traveling partner.

    The white-maned filly starts to lead them towards the eastern border of Taiga but the mention of Yanhua and Amarine makes her curious. They were bringing new flora and fauna to Taiga? It sounded terribly exciting and made her more determined that they should have an adventure of their own.

    "Have you ever heard of sunflowers?" Rosey asks.

    They have some at the court of her aunt, she knows, in a place called Terrastella. But Roselin doubts that anybody she knows has ever traveled that far.


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    RE: Be still, and listen to your heart [Roselin] - by Roselin - 01-15-2021, 11:01 AM

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