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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    It was granted to him to take peace from the earth... ROUND III
    You, me, and the Devil makes three.

    There is a moment of peace as each of the horses gather their shards of the seal. Chrysaeta feels the soothing relief of the seal absorbing into her small body and chasing away the effects of Conquest's ailment. Her lungs still feel heay and wet, but at least she can catch her breath. Brown eyes gaze around at the others and she feels hope. The hope that only a child fully understands. That no matter how much it gets worse, they will win. They will beat the mutant lamb and it's beastly crew and everything will go back to normal. Already the colors flicker back sporadically and those that sided with Conquest disappear. She smiles widely as they go, and the smile lasts until the lamb once more makes an appearance.

    She wants to yell and scream. She wants to be brave enough to warn the others of danger, but she is still small and fear grips her limbs. The golden filly is paralyzed as she watches the lamb float over to another seal. Her voice catches as it places a dainty, cloven hoof on the stone and it shatters. A clap of thunder shakes the clearing and pieces of stone go flying. When it quiets somewhat she hears him. Delicate ears pin flat against her skull when she catches a whiff of brimstone and hears the baying of hounds. Conquest laughs triumphantly as his brother comes into view.

    His hooves strike the tempo of battle as the heavy stallion joins the fray. His coat is ash and smoke, fire and blood. Red eyes survey those before him and find them wanting. From his maw erupts the sound of war. For that is his name. Just as Conquest whispered through her mind, War thunders. This is a being intent on one thing, death and destruction, and that is enough to spur the filly to action. 

    Even as the black stallion charges to meet War, Chrysaeta is turning heel and fleeing. Her tiny hooves can't seem to carry her fast enough away from the carnage that is surely occurring behind her. Her muscles ache and her lungs burn from the effort, but anything to get her away from that beast. 

    Minutes pass before she collapses, heaving, to the forest floor. She feels like she is drowning while she gasps in shallow mouthfuls of air. All the distance she had put between herself and War is lost in the time it takes for her to regain her senses. Black spots from lack of oxygen dance in the corners of her vision as she tries to stand. She spots a chunk of the seal just as she catches a whiff of brimstone and blood. Wheeling around, Chrysaeta sees War just feet away reveling in the chaos he created. The injured forms of her comrades all around them create a disturbing backdrop for the monster wanting her reduced to ash.

    Slowly he steps towards her and once more she is frozen in fear. "Well what have we here?" he scoffs at her, malice gleaming in his eyes. "Nothing but a child. Why are you trying to play such dangerous games little girl? This is no place for children." With a soft "tsk tsk tsk", War takes the final step. Standing before Chrysaeta he seems to block out what little light the sun cast. "Oh well, say hello to your ancestors for me." War smiles not unkindly at the girl before lunging forward and grabbing her withers in his monstrous mouth. Sharp canines pierce her flesh and anchor in bone as he lifts her from the ground and begins violently shaking his head.

    Her petite form is no match for his immense strength. Limbs flail wildly as she tries in vain to strike out at him and she would cry if she could catch enough breath to do so. Fragile bones in her shoulder snap and the world goes black. War continues to shake the small body until it grows limp before tossing the body to the side and galloping of in search of larger prey. 

    Chrysaeta doesn't know how long she was unconscious but everything is on fire. Her body screams in pain with every movement she makes and breathing saps all of her energy. It is by sheer willpower that she is able to crack open her eyes and take some small stock of her surroundings. The ground around her is trampled and the smell of fire and blood is strong and cloying in her nostrils, but as they say hope springs eternal.

    Lying just out of reach of her nose, hidden in the grass, is a piece of the seal. Extending her neck she brushes her muzzle against the stone. Sweet relief fills her as this too is absorbed into her body and with the seals aid, the filly takes to her feet. 


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    RE: It was granted to him to take peace from the earth... ROUND III - by Chrysaeta - 01-21-2016, 02:55 PM

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