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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    All that glitters is not gold; DJINNI
    "Evil requires no reason."
    The forest was always the perfect setting for a horror story. The branches would creak and scratch, rubbing against each other. The sky would darken. The wind would howl, rushing through the holes in the trees, rattling them and then rustling the leaves and the brush as it swept through. There would be eyes in the shadows watching and the moon would be hidden behind a mass of dark clouds, hiding the only light.

    And then the monster would come.

    All black and with the shadows that seem to cling to him. Seem to be a very part of his essence. His eyes would shine, despite the lack of light and the gleam of his teeth would still be visible. And that would only happen if he decided to just scare you outright and didn't decide to prolong your torture. If it was the later then you would hear and feel his breath right next to your ear, only to turn and see nothing. Something would brush against your back, against your arm and another sharp whirl would greet you with nothing but darkness. A laugh would echo and chills would crawl across your body.

    Until the fear was all you knew. Every noise was the monster. Every noise was the last moments before your death, until suddenly he was there. Then he was even more horrifying than you thought with his face (that might have been handsome had you not seen the evil in his eyes, his smile, in his every gesture) and the eyes that were black as pitch, and how very normal he seemed.

    Then just when your body couldn't take it anymore, he leans closer and his predatory smile is the last thing you see.

    He releases the mare from her terror, releases her soul as he had held it captive billowing before him and allows her the release she had needed once she had stumble upon him. Pazuzu was a monster with a smile and charm enough to get what he wanted. She was nothing to him and he leaves her still cold form there amongst the woods, within the leaves where the animals and scavengers would tear at her until nothing but her bones were left.

    He moves away from it, feeling very content until he sees her with the gold in her ears and around her hooves. His black body is silk, moving through the lengthening shadows of the rather perfect spring day. Nothing at all like the vision he had placed there in that other mare's mind. Until finally he is there with his black eyes and black smile lingering on his lips. "Hello." He says, his voice practically purring.


    Messages In This Thread
    All that glitters is not gold; DJINNI - by Pazuzu - 02-02-2016, 08:10 PM

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