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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Wherever I am is exactly where I'm supposed to be [KIRIN]
    you're metophorical gin and juice
    so come on give me a taste
    of what its like to be next to you
    And so the cat is left to lead the mouse- over the hills and through the woods, grandmother would be so proud.

    "Of course," He dips his head only slightly and gestures with an outstretched wing. "Just this way, not to worry I know how to get there. The Falls you say? Delightful place." In truth Kirin didn't know a whole lot about the Falls to say whether or not it was a nice place, he assumed it was by the looks of this woman. He had ever only seen the waterfall Kingdom from the skies, sailing over the realm and had never set foot through it at all.

    Kirin doesn't take her back the way she came, instead he leads her through his very own 'shortcut', deeper into the darkened wood. Trees cluster now leaving little passing room between their crawling roots. Sunlight lingers sparsely and falls in dappled specks where it does manage to break the canopy cover, the lavender stallion walks tall and proud- appearing knowledgeable about the changing landscape. He turns his elegant head to the side, making small talk as they pass through the bark trimmed sentinels, twigs snapping here or there as they step.

    After a time the trees begin to open up, an antechamber of lush grass and hardy wildflowers exposing themselves against the aided light of lightening bugs. "Well look at this! Isn't this a find, have you ever seen so many torch bugs?" The surprise was false, Kirin had sauntered into this very small clearing before, mapping it in his memory for future escapades such as this. Twinkling yellow-green light buzzed lazily about them, twisting slow patterns over the emerald shoots. With the distraction of elegant witch light he coils himself around to her backside, maw lathering as the festivities hint at commencement.

    "It's a kinder backdrop than most get," he chuckles, smooth velvet turning into a growling as his voice drops to whispers for her ears, "and I want you to remember this moment always. Go ahead and cry, they won't hear you- but I'd quite enjoy your screams."

    He'd fight her all afternoon if he had to, reaching his mass over her again and again until she tired or succumbed to his domination. When and if she was not still he bloodied her, clamping his teeth into the soft golden flesh where he could, pulling at the flaxen silk of her head when skin evaded him. Great wings stretched into the air, flexing wide to enhance his size, to dissuade his pray from challenging him. When teeth did not persuade he used his legs, his bulk to crash into her, even sustaining a few lesions of his own in the tussle but the bloodshed only made his madness grow fierce.

    When he was done he left lathered, dripping with sweat and blood, leaving her to find her own way home.
    son of Khaos

    i thought i would wrap this up a bit- hope this is okay

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Wherever I am is exactly where I'm supposed to be [KIRIN] - by Kirin - 04-23-2016, 11:08 AM

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