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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Grumblequest: let's get ready to grumble (now with Q&A)

    She feels her skin actually crawl towards his damned touch. He is caressing her tender features and grinning, grinning, grinning. Helle 's mind is clouded and hazy. The lavender of her eyes are dulled and ugly and all she can feel is the sting of cold from the chilled bit of the cursed halter.

    In her mind's eye, she can feel herself drifting out of the stall like a stupid fucking puppy. A-ok! The nasty little fucker is manipulating her and she is powerless to anything. The warmth of the stall she was occupying is seeping away like a nightmare and Grumble is leading her towards a heavy door.

    It creaks effortlessly open as they near the entrance and once through, slams shut with a heart stopping thud. The room is dark and her eyes will not adjust. All she can feel is the bite of cold steel of the halter. All at once the floor softens, thick and acrid. Helle cries out in surprise as she begins to skin and Grumble is laughing, laughing, laughing. His sick little laugh is echoing in her ears as she is sinking in the blackened room.

    Just as the stickiness has swallowed her chest deep there is a shock of light and Helle can see once again. Grumble is standing next to her, untouched by the bloo-BLOOD! Helle is stick in blood. Her head is swimming and she feels herself passing out but oh no, Grumble would not have that. Instead he drifts close to her head. One twisted little hand is caressing her smooth cheek while the the other removes a small pin knife from behind him. It was no more than 2 inches in length but it feels much larger when the little man drives it over and over again into her cheeks, her neck, blinding her by slowly digging it into her eye sockets and apply enough pressure for the screaming mare to feel the -pop!- as they are dislodged. The finally her blood is draining away and mixing with the red liquid that holds her.

    The lights flicker back off.
    The light flick back on.

    She is crumpled in a heap on the floor. The striped woman is a child again except she is human and her smallness is what first occurs to her as she now can move her legs again. She is free of the floor and she can see again...the holes in her body are gone. With awkward and unsteady movements, the now child finds her feet. Grumble is standing in the corner grinning savagely as he stars at her. Hot tears are spilling down her cheeks as fear is choking her and she turns around desperately for an exit. But there are none.

    Helle spins back to look at the little demon man and in his place is a large, greasy old man. An ugly, high pitches giggle is coming from between fat blistered lips. He is stroking himself as he walks towards the girl. She shrinks away to the corner as she begins to cry. Her body is sore as the man runs his fingers over her cheeks, stroking her hair. He is picking her up and pressing himself against her and the throb of his manhood is angry and hot. Helle shrieks and claws her human fingers against his skin but the man puts up with none of it. She sees stars when he bashes her skull against the hard concrete of the floor and everything goes into the sweet serenity of darkness.

    When she wakes again, she wishes she was dead. Her body is her own again...equine through and through but she is sore, bloody and torn. With a heaving breath, she finds her feet. The zorse woman is panting heavily as the tears dry in salty trails upon her damp cheeks. Grumble is sitting there now with a crooked smile. Helle can not even bare to speak. Little Miss Sassypants is quiet.

    Such a good little girl.

    With the snap of his twisted fingers, the heavy door opens slowly. Helleborn is shaking and she feels the sting and warmth of urine down her legs when she releases it out of fear of what lay behind it. She is wimping quietly when the rotting corpse of herself enters the room. The undead animal is Helle. Mirroring her every move as the stinking rotting flesh is melting off of her face...her intestines slithering across the floor in a bloody train. The dead mare begins to giggle through the gaping hole of where her throat once was. Black liquid oozes outward as maggots crawl around the opening.

    "Helle..." It croons as it nears her, the squirm of maggots eating the sagging bits of flesh. "Helle..." The voice is hollow and empty. The right eye (the only one still in tact) is black and soulless. The slimy remains are backing her into a corner as the yellow teeth are exposed and the remains of the left side of it's mouth are grinning much too big and wide till Helle can not longer move. She is trapped against the corner but the dead woman does not stop.

    Helle is screaming madly, savagely when she feels the yellow fangs tenderly at first, seek her throat before closing down...the scream muffling to a gurgle. The death muscle and sinew smell like spoiled meat, riddled with pus, infection and decay. The single eye is glittering like a silver bullet. It is the last thing Helle sees before everything goes black once again.


    light up the world as i fall asleep

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    RE: Grumblequest: let's get ready to grumble (now with Q&A) - by Helleborn - 07-04-2016, 09:42 PM

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