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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  you don't realize what you need

    At over a year old, he grows. 

    He is still gangly - all those awkward angles that youths usually are. Shoulders he still has to develop into, hips that might be slightly taller than those shoulders, proud wings that still have to reach their full potential. Nashua is still trying to find his and while he still dreams of seeing all the reaches of Beqanna, he settles for walking along the Taigan borders for now.

    With his wings firmly pressed against his winter copper coat, the yearling pegasus moves around the wide berth of one Redwood to another and finds himself deviating from a trail. Perhaps he should stick to the more commonly traveled ones - he is more likely to encounter another horse there - but Nash is curious more about the shadows and so he deviates. 

    The shadows in Taiga have started to come alive of late and the boy is curious about them. Their quiet forest has started to be not so quiet and it intrigues Nash - it’s another piece of Beqanna emerging in his corner of the world, without having to leave the home of his birth to find it. What he spots today though - a golden glimmer that dances in and out of fallen sunbeams - is not a shadow. 

    He stops and watches the palomino, raising his head as he watches her walk through the woods. Was she looking for something? Was she lost? 

    "Hey!” the auburn colt calls out as he comes closer, reminding himself to stop respectably a few paces away. His head tilts as he looks to her, realizing that she doesn’t smell like Taiga at all. Nash's mind is already wandering to all the places she might have come from. "Can I help you?”

    and for every king that died
    they would crown another

    @[Ruthless] this is horrible but have a starter
    @[Elaina] in case she wanted to join in
    [Image: jCdBK6.png]
    isn't she lovely?
    The call is an airhorn across a dead prairie, erupting in her ears with sudden ferociousness. It alerts her from her distant thoughts and brings her back to the forest. The forest that she had walked through years ago and found refuge. The forest that now feels like a battleground.

    Who will go next?

    But that is all forgotten when he calls.

    A confident yearling—his warm but vibrant coat shimmering in sunrays that trickle between branches—approaches. By the time she has risen her head to view his company, he has stopped. Respectful. Dutiful.

    “Hey,” is what she is able to muster back. Perhaps a year ago the company of a child would have been refreshing, but now it just reminds her of Kalil.

    The child is forward and despite the inner turmoil Ruth feels, a slight tug at the corners of her mouth. She almost feels her heart thaw, the warmth returning momentarily before being whisked away by cold winds.

    “You cannot I am sure,” a nonchalant shrug rolls almost as passively as the hawk scouting overhead, un-casually casual. There is a minute or two where silence bestows them before our golden doe is able to find a few more words, “you look familiar.”

    And it’s true, he does. From the soft curve of his physique to the mannerisms he displays before her. Noble, diplomatic, confident.

    father x mother or rank

    she's a wild wild woman

    Every moment she is left in Beqanna feels stolen, because she knows it will not stay this way, she knows this is not permanent, only till the magic wears out. She will leave before Lilli returns home, and she will leave before Nash and Yan see their second birthday. Fate had watched Elaina, had seen her stare up into the sky with open arms asking for some sort of give and Fate had laughed in her face and offered not even a constellation prize. So each moment that is offered in the Taigan forest is seized before it can slip away. She spends as much time as she can with her nephews, memorizing every detail on their faces, from the shape of their eyes, to the tilt of their mouths, even to the way they shrug their shoulders.

    Though these are not the first of stolen moments that Elaina has taken. How often had Elaina ran away from Hyaline in the dead of the night to venture into the Redwoods of Taiga, all to find a mare of crimson with eyes like the sky. She shares these trees now with her sons, and there is no Hyaline for Elaina to return to this time. It still stands, but she would not recognize the land without Kensa’s face to greet her once inside. As far as she concerned herself, that land was as empty as the hollowed out tree stump Nash had shown her.

    It was beside this same tree stump that Elaina struck up a conversation with her her nephew, talking the way adults do, who forget they were once children, expected to listen to reminiscent memories. “Did you know Nash, that you have green eyes just like my grandpa?” A grandpa she has never met, would never meet. If her parents are six feet under, than Tan Daray must be twelve. Green eyes that were not gifted from Elaina’s side of the family, but from Nash’s father, but eyes that reminded her all the same. “And that face you make, right when you are about to tell a joke, you look just like my Uncle Soren.” She says and laughs. “I pray to whatever gods are out there that you two never meet. You and Soren together would be downright dangerous.” She laughs again because the image is all to clear. Elaina has not thought of Soren in quite some time, and though it aches, it feels tender next to her heart. She has Nashua to thank for that.

    It is Nash that those glassy eyes of blue are seeking out today. He had promised her a tour (a tour of a land she knows too well) and Elaina was eager to have it. She spots him easily enough through the trees and presses her way through them. “Nashua, you were supposed to meet me by the—” her voice cuts of as she realizes it is not just her nephew she has stumbled upon. A girl of gold and beauty stands in the presence of her family. (A girl of gold and beauty that wrings Elaina’s heart as she is thrust backwards in time to when she was not an orphan, but a girl with a mother who looks so much like the girl in front of her). “Oh,” she manages to say in surprise without bursting into tears or laughing with joy. “I didn’t know others were joining us on the Tour of Taiga today,” she says, upturning that face of surprise into a smile that is so hauntingly Elaina, to feels as if for a moment she never left Beqanna. “I hear Nashua is the greatest tour guide in all the forest, if you would care to join us,” she offers with a tilt of her golden head. So quick to trust, even when she stands once more in the land of monsters and beasts. (She shouldn't be here, she keeps reminding herself.)

    A beat.

    A smile.

    A name.

    “I’m Elaina.”

    Elaina; there's a voice calling me back
    tried to keep her quiet, but she's screaming inside me

    ( I dont actually remember how to tag on mybb :/ )

    If Nashua’s ancestors could hear what @[Ruthless] thought of the pegasus yearling, they’d be proud. The boy comes from a bloodline that boasts monikers and epithets like valiant and fierce and brave. (Nash doesn’t know all the stories - his mother ran out of time to tell them all to her boys.) When he greets the first palomino, she answers him softly. His ears prick forward but he doesn’t come closer.

    Instead, he gives his head an encouraging tilt.

    "I can try,” he grins before another mare approaching distracts him.

    "I’m sorry,” Nashua calls over his shoulder. ”I thought I’d practice patrolling first,” the boy teases his Aunt before the yearling glances back to Ruthless. His youthful features brighten visibly, ”and I found ... ?” 

    The angle that he holds his crimson head returns, a boyish expression that says he hopes the golden mare will tell him who he has found on this mock patrol. He looks back behind him as his Aunt comes closer and flashes her a quick smile. (She’ll recognize it - though this one is, perhaps, more roguish than what the blue-eyed mare remembers.)

    His auburn wings settle comfortably against his slim sides and when the newcomer calls him familiar, he becomes genuinely curious. "You could have seen my twin.” The young pegasus offers, "but his eyes are blue.” Like their mother’s, the thought twists in his chest. His expression hesitates and it casts a shadow where there had been a sunny disposition moments before.

    "Like my Aunt Elaina’s,” Nashua says, chasing away any gloom that might have otherwise shown itself with coltish charm. (Nashua is still figuring out feelings and emotions; his sister Celina says that they sometimes can be a hindrance.) The yearling stands, though his hooves itch to move and he is already longing for the sky, and waits.

    and for every king that died
    they would crown another

    Lilli is happy sobbing in Pangea.
    [Image: jCdBK6.png]

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