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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Her whisper is the Lucifer - any
    Lupei is amused by the greying stallion's apparent admission of guilt. Zojja is unsurprised by this - he certainly carries himself more confidently than Brynmor has thus far. She wouldn't go so far as to baselessly point fingers, mind you, but if she had to pick between the two, she'd sooner peg Lupei for the killing sort than Brynmor, if only based on the ease with which he returns Brynmor's threatening snarl. She doesn't get between them, either way - if they really want to tussle, she supposes she'll just stand back a bit. There are always things to be learned from a fight, after all, although this would likely be a terribly one-sided affair. 

    When she speaks up again, however, things calm - at least a little - and she can see Lupei settle down nearby, feels his eyes on her as she reaches out to Brynmor. Funny, how quickly the tension diffuses, she thinks. Boys. Honestly. Her attention is focused almost entirely on the blind stallion, though one dark-tipped ear swivels back to Lupei once she's asked her question. She doubts he has anything to add, anyway, but it doesn't hurt to check. A fleeting glance in the pale green boy's direction confirms that he is, indeed, waiting for an answer - just as well, since Brynmor speaks up in almost the same instant. Zojja glances back and watches him hang his head, the very picture of remorse. Her brow furrows slightly at his reply. Well, now they're getting somewhere. Someone who tried to step in and break up the fight, perhaps? He certainly does seem torn up over it. What does one even say in this situation? Good job, but also, you sure did fuck up?

    Zojja is quiet for a moment longer, considering this. At last: "I'm sorry for your loss." It comes out a little wooden, admittedly. She doesn't know him well enough to be properly sorry. "If it helps at all, your secret's safe with me." Zojja pauses, peering back at Lupei with a quirk of her brow. "With us, I presume," she amends, and her dark eyes momentarily meet the green boy's blue ones before she turns away. "Besides - you don't really strike me as the repeat-offender sort. It's terrible that it happened, but it's in the past now." Or something. The dun mare thinks she is not particularly cut out for this shoulder-to-cry-on thing.
    Is he supposed to be anything other than disbelieving? I mean, here they were: the trio of curious circus animals and the one who seems most normal is admitting to not only one, but two murders. Forgive him if he finds that pill a little hard to swallow. Besides, there wasn’t much explaining going on - not that he was certain he’d want to hear this story explained anyways. Zojja seems to be the more diplomatic of them to begin with and her sympathy is met with his rolling eyes. He’s almost glad the nameless stallion can’t see him.

    When she mentions that his secret is best kept between the three of them, Lupei takes a good look at the greying stallion. He’ll change, become almost different, but he’ll still remain a killer. For that reason alone the colorful boy doesn’t want to forget a single detail of his face, should they happen to cross paths again. Sure, his secret was ‘safe’, but that didn’t mean he was necessarily trustworthy.

    Zojja has moved on though, to apologizing and trying to change the tone of the discussion. But Lupei isn’t so ready to hear the end of this chapter. He speaks up, voice curiously low and steady. “Why’d you do it? Kill them, I mean.” It must’ve been a good reason, must’ve been life or death for the poor, blind guy. If it were for anything less, Lupei would assume there was a screw loose in his head … not that he didn’t think that already.

    "I will see."

    He can easily picture them stand in front of him. First he hadn’t had a clue on how a horse looked like, but now he knew. He now knows how she had looked like as he both remembers his mother’s human and horse form. They all flash by and their words echo somewhere in his thoughts. First his utterly disappointed mother, then her silent human form and followed by his friend. It were these two humans he had killed, one with his own hands and the other with the werewolf’s mutated mouth. But also the winged pale stallion had come to see him in the maze, reminding him of his little task and whatever he could expect when he would fail. The last one he had seen was himself, a future version of himself that was. His goat had all grayed out and he had told him about the changed future and the mistakes he had made. And Brynmor could only be wary of how his future would now turn out.

    It all happens in a few seconds, by the time Zojja responds to his words he is back again. His heart clenches in pain and his body tenses as he awaits the next blow. But she doesn’t strike. Unlike the hard words he had expected she offers him support, or at least a kind word. Brynmor isn’t able to hide his surprised state as his head jerks up and unseeing eyes swaying in her direction, all though still poorly aimed. ”It’s not like I can see again” he mutters, a little too grumpy but not able to respond to her in a lighter way. After all, he’s still troubled and shaken up, and being questioned on top of that.

    Unlike Zojja Lupei doesn’t seem to want to let him get away this easily. The words make him flinch and he steps backwards as if that would ease the pain a little. Brynmor’s teeth clinch together and tension rises once again. ”Why do you care?” he suddenly snaps at the stallion. ”Isn’t it enough to know that I killed them, that they are death because of my wrong-doing? Can’t you see I regret it and that you’re only throwing more salt in the wounds. It stings enough already. Brynmor is trembling now, not out of fear, but because of anger. ”Why do you so desperately want to hear that he made me kill her because of selfish reasons and that the angry beast within me changed the guilt, loath and anger into a blood lusted hunt that cost him his life?” By the time he finished speaking the graying Welsh Cob hybrid was pathing loudly, standing there almost frozen as he realises what he had blurted out like that.

    "Through your secret."


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