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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming; PHASE II

    there's no religion that could save me

    no matter how long my knees are on the floor

    i'll pick up these broken pieces 'til i'm bleeding

    if that'll make it right

    As his skin solidifies, the ash fills his lungs. As he glimmers, the surrounding land deepens into oblivion. As he opens his stark blue eyes to the passion of the fires, the world around him heaves a sigh. He wonders briefly if this is where She is. He wonders if he will find Her, for Him.

    Tearing his gaze from the cataclysm, the man's ashen breath catches in his throat. The orange light of the fire glitters in the endless faces of his diamond skin. Heart racing - too fast, too fast, - Nihlus attempts to step forward. Moment after next, he stands five feet from where he had landed in the wormhole. Whirling around - too fast, too fast - the diamond-child stares at the blackened spot where he once was, attempting to filter the amazement, ash, and horror until he can comprehend it. Swallowing, he attempts to remember what has happened. A man had helped him through the wormhole - a winged man - but he had not given him these gifts. He had not graced him with the most prized mineral or the speed of something unequine.

    The next wormhole is… It’s by the sea. About a mile off.

    The echoing words in his mind send him skittering another ten feet, the fires of oblivion dancing on his newfound skin. In that moment, he recalls what it is he has been sent here for - Gail.

    Gail, like hail, like rain, like sea, like... Me. He breathes shallowly, forcing himself to turn slowly, normally. Through the fire, ash, and destruction, the slight scent of salt-water blows eastwards. Swallowing, Nihlus thinks like the rain. To the sea, to the rain, to Gail, Gail, Gail.

    He's gone no more than ten strides when It comes.


    The name comes to him without warning, though it sounds far more like a curse than a name. It's name does not concern him, however. The demon comes on the wind, shadows manifesting as though they were as common here as the wind. Nihlus's skin falls into blackness, emptiness. Gur'la-ya's eyes are the only source of light, glaring into his puny self until he cannot move at all. The miraculous appearance of enhanced speed seems useless, for in the wake of the Great Old One, movement is impossible.

    For all his glorious stature, however, Nihlus goes unnoticed. Gur'la-ya's wrath turns to a mewling child, a tiny, squirming, unfortunate form of existence. It's four limbs flail, it's face contorted in a scream which twists his heart. Nihlus moves to help, but even his speed is not enough. The shadow-being forces himself atop the helpless babe, suffocates its cries, suffocates his heart. Shuddering, Nihlus turns to speed past the horrible sight, but the receding demon leaves behind something which he cannot ignore.

    Atop the babe (white now, a skeleton; silent now, dead), a tumultuous amount of glowing green rocks lay. The pitiful creature's pebble-skull is strewn with strange symbols, each stark against its its glowing green backdrop. Nihlus feels the bile rise in his throat, and he turns his head to be sick. The ash burns along with the acid, and despite the howling of the apocalypse, his sickness is loud. Loud enough to alert the monster.

    Gur'la-ya turns slowly now, raising himself from his victim into a mass of shadow with two burning red holes. It is now that Nihlus remembers what it is to move, breathe, run. He remembers his powers, all of them. Lunging towards them, shadows suddenly overwhelm the autumn-fire sky. Torrential rains begin falling, coming forth as he bids them. Gur'la-ya screams as the acid rain dips into his shadow-skin; Nihlus imagines that it has not rained here in a very, very long time.

    But rain shall never fall the demons, just as fire shall never fall the angels.

    It turns towards him, eyes brighter, redder, angrier. It sizzles in the rain, but that only does more to terrify Nihlus. Without thinking, he sets himself afire, the diamonds melting for but a split second. In the next moment, as the apocalypse rages around the demon and the diamond, Nihlus stands far more humbly. A diamond-rabbit is he, nose twitching, glowing eyes wide, lungs straining for oxygen where only ash lays.

    Gur'la-ya screams again, the sound metallic, like an electric guitar playing its most fowl note across a stadium. The rabbit pins his diamond-ears, shuddering and crying. The rain continues boring into the demon, for Nihlus knows not what else to do. Looming above him, the shadow-monster lunges forward.

    The diamond-hare speeds away. His skin burns beneath his diamond shell, enough to warrant distress and a trip to the Falls (but this is oblivion, this must be the end, there is no Falls, there is nothing, nothing, nothing). Alas, it is because of his diamond skin that he too did not become a victim to the red-eyed demon. Because of this gift, Nihlus has survived.

    Towards the sea he runs, a dash of pure light in this obsidian oblivion. Gur'la-ya screams once more, whooshing after Nihlus, shadows twirling around Its shapelessness, though It never truly disappears. The searing sound of the acid-rain against Its demon-skin feels like hairs being plucked from his underside as Nihlus is forced to listen to it; but in this form, even the Great Old One cannot catch him. The rabbit is small, agile, and running for his life. To the sea he flees, until Gur'la-ya halts Its chasing, screams echoing from behind as the acid-rain seeps through Its shadow-skin.

    Whether it stops for lack of ableness or for what lies ahead, Nihlus soon finds.

    Gail, like hail, like the sea. But oh, the sea is boiling, boiling like Gur'la-ya in the rain, to death until it's all gone, gone, gone.

    He leaps into the sea, into the wormhole, into the blackness and the warped-time and the nothingness, lungs collapsing as the ash consumes them. His rabbit-diamond-skin glitters orange, and Gur'la-ya screams in the distance. Beneath his armour, the boy is burnt, bleeding, the shadows of the demon having burnt him with poison and darkness and hate. For a moment, he imagines the shadows curling amongst his skull too, until it too reads strange curses and glows a sickly green.

    Ah, how a death like that would have been peaceful.
    rain manipulating rabbit son of Sinder & Noori

    just FYI, Gur'la-ya is a great shadow-thing with two red, glaring eyes, able to transform the skull of its own victims in green glowing stones carved with strange symbols, according to the wiki-site Cassi linked Smile I'm really not sure if this counts as a "battle post," but he did attack and and get attacked. It was just more poetic than a battle post I guess hahaha


    If we don't make it alive, well it's a hell of a good day to die

    She awakens to the sound of screams. Somewhere in the distance, cries of pain and torment reach her ears. Slowly opening her eyes and gathering her legs beneath her aching body, Tyrna takes stock of the world around her. She landed in what used to be a forest though the trees are burned and twisted. The ground beneath her hooves is littered with the bones of various animals. The grass growing in sporadic, charred clumps, crunches as she tries to leave. Though the trees are dead and twisted they are still thick and rather difficult to see through. Judging from the size she would almost guess that she was in the Amazons or near the Falls. The thought that this is what would become of her home turns her stomach sour and her mouth fills with the taste of ash. Still she presses on, the name that has replaced her heartbeat pulsing through her veins, the last whispers of Carnage whispering in her ears. It's by the sea, about a mile off. It offers little solace but it's still direction.

    The sky is angry so the air burns. Each breath fills her lungs with soot and each step becomes harder than the last, but still she moves forward. She isn't sure how long she has been wandering through the twisted trees and it starts to feel like she's going in circles when she breaks into a clearing. She eagerly looks around before noticing a set of hoof prints smeared in the ash and a small crater among a pile of bones. Somehow she had looped back around to where she started. Tyrna can feel her vision start to go blurry around the edges and her breathing becomes harsher, drawing in deep lungfuls of ash and relishing in the burn. Closing her eyes, she focuses on trying to find the sea through smell. It was only a mile away, hopefully the salt would cut through the ash enough for her to find her way out of these goddamned woods. With one more breath she catches the faintest whiff of saltwater off to her left when she hears the howls.

    The deep throaty calls son't sound like any wolf she has ever encountered before, and there are several of them. Each howl is closer than the last and tinged with an anger she can relate to. She can hear the snapping of twigs and the snarls gaining speed when the first of the pack bursts from the treeline behind her. She can clearly see that wolf was the wrong term. The bestial thing before her would have been about seven or eight feet tall if it were standing straight, but instead remains hunched, dragging it's impossible long arms along the ground. It's legs are coiled to pounce with long clawed feet attached to a nearly hairless,lanky frame. But of course it is the face that has her knees shaking and mouth dry. Though it has a humanoid body the face is all lupine. Hairless like the rest of it's body, it's muzzle is elongated and filled with dirty, broken teeth, a jumble of canine and human teeth vying for position to be the first to break flesh. The feral eyes glow green with malevolence and hunger as the elfin ears perk up to better hear her breathing. The creatures eyes never leave hers as it takes a step forward and two more of it's kind come slinking up next to it. The leader tilts its head and opens it's maw unleashing the unearthly howl, alerting something to their position. The other two slavering cronies seem to smile at the prospect of such a large meal, but she doesn't give them the satisfaction.

    She runs.

    Broken tree limbs scrape across her back, tangling in her mane in an attempt to slow her down, but she can't stop. She runs off towards her left where the tantalizing scent of salt wafts towards her. Besides the pulse of her name it is the only lifeline the silver mare has. 

    The faint breeze shifts the scent of the sea around, masking the true path, but still Tyrna runs. The sound of the pack growling and crashing after her seems to maintain it's distance. They aren't getting any closer(as the occasional howl tells her) but she isn't losing them as she weaves through the trees either.
    She doesn't fully realize she is being toyed with, herded, until she breaks through the treeline onto the the beach and sees what she can only assume is their master. The being before her was almost enchanting, were it not for the blood-lust that lurked behind his all too human eyes. Also humanoid, this creature stood about eight feet tall with a pair of bat like wings sprouting from its back. The body is mostly human, covered in fur, the hands and feet tipped with sharp claws. The head of the terrible creature was more wolf than his packs, longer muzzle, longer teeth, but the same burning hate in his eyes. He smirks with lips that were never made to smile and watches in satisfaction as his pack follows up behind her.

    Tyrna can see the wormhole glimmering unnaturally in the burning sea before her but she lies trapped between demons. The wolfen creatures stand still around her, absorbing her fear and helplessness. Relishing in the calm before the storm as they let her emotions ripen her flavor. Her legs shake with fear and rage, her breath comes in harsh pants from her exhaustion, and above all she feels the tug that the wormhole causes. Once more the frantic beat of gail.Gail.GAIL. thrums through her and she stops her shaking. She is piss terrified but nothing was ever gained by standing still. The wolf god feels it in the air as she comes to her decision. Within a heartbeat the wild mare and the dread wolf leap at each other. A frenzied hunger and panic glistening in their eyes. The demi-wolf leaps high wings outstretched to keep him aloft as he makes a beeline for the mare. Anticipating the use of his wings, Tyrna jumps slightly off to the side. As the god swoops down towards her, her sideways lunge puts her in the path of his wings. As he turns mid flight to adjust for her trajectory, the mare lunges forward kicking out at the bones and membrane in his wings. His claws rake against her rump as her body weight and added strength crash into his more fragile wings. It isn't enough to break a gods bones, but it sends him crashing into the sand and allows her to leap past as his claws once more catch her side in a last attempt to stop her as she runs full tilt into the ocean. She can hear the anger roars and snarls behind her as, ignoring the burning of the salt and heat in her wounds, she dives towards the wormhole. The siren song of Gail pulls her through to the other side.

    Swallowed into whatever nightmare comes next.

    Silver dapple sabino|Mare|Andalusian Hybrid|Falls

    (ooc: just fyi haha the lupine ones i am imagining as looking like more twisted angry versions of harry potter werewolves , and Ngirrth'lu like underworld meets an american werewolf in london)
    QUEST UPDATE: So I'm stupid and was planning on posting the next bit today but forgot I have to 'judge' these posts and there's no way I can do that today. Expect the next phase to be up tomorrow Smile I look forward to reading the replies!

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