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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you can blame it on me.

    The air seems to tremble around his magnificence while the clouds quickly part to allow the sun to bathe him in its warmth. He may have been born of the fairy woman and the dragon king, but heaven claims him as its own child now. The slow orbiting halo behind his head catches every precious ray cast down on it and burns proudly while his golden splashes nearly blind onlookers with their brilliance. Ophanim is all fire and heat, all begging someone to come closer and lay their palm flat against his chest so they can feel his heart. It heaves with want and loneliness every time Starsin is apart from him.
    But his face betrays none of those desperate secrets. It keeps them locked away like the family jewelry, leaves a cheap smile that seems to shine just as brightly in its place. His blue eyes lazily scan the strangers off in the distance but none of them seem to catch his eye enough to warrant approach. Instead he lowers his head, powder pink nose meeting the water so he can drink his fill. The river is ice cold and it almost hurts when it meets his throat. Ophanim slowly lifts his head and snorts when the breeze chills his wet lips further.
    His wings spread, briefly exposing the golden eyes staring out from each wing before they settle back across his body once more. The angel boy moves forward as he spots someone all black and red, essentially the opposite of his, he thinks with growing interest. Ophanim lets his shoulder drag along her side and he’s surprised to find she’s just as warm as he is despite the winter’s snapping teeth. He blows a little smoke ring  in front of them as he comes to a stop, sides pressed together so he can feel the rhythm of her breathing in his ribs.
    I like your teeth,” he says as he examines her carefully, the corners of his lips carefully holding that faint smile in place still. “My name is Ophanim.
    you're a sunflower, i think your love would be too much
    It's the first time someone has touched her, as far as Ember remembers. He slides up against her, rib to rib, and she wonders if this is okay or if she should burn him. The ability is there. The heat flares up just a little so that her skin is only slightly warmer than his but she holds herself back.

    Ember recognizes the familiarity in him, the same as she did with Cleave, and she hums a soft tune while the dragon cozies up next to her. Besides, maybe this is just how they greet eachother in Beqanna—maybe she needs to get used to it. It won't be long before she meets her mother, after all, and her mother might want to snuggle up beside her, too.

    She wouldn't want to burn her, would she?

    And the journey from Silver Cove to The River had been exhausting.

    Did she really want to waste her energy hurting someone who seems so friendly? Especially when Litotes has disappeared for the moment, off dealing with 'very important pride business'?

    The dragon girl smiles at him, albeit awkwardly, and he takes the time to compliment her teeth.

    Her skin grows a little warmer still.

    "Thank ya, I like your... scales," she drawls back, her ears splaying flat. It sounded a lot better in her head than it did coming out of her mouth. Smoother, even. But she accepts what damage has been done and tried to shrug it off.

    "I'm Ember."

    He didn’t always used to go up to strangers and just sidle in next to them like this but not having Starsin tucked up under his wing left him feeling a kind of hunger his body didn’t know how to satisfy. The ache of loneliness chewed its way to his very core and made a home for itself to fester there. Like a weeping wound, it drives him to find some relief in the form of curling against the dragon girl. Her smile cleanses the last bit of rot from his heart for now and he returns the expression gladly. A shiver tip toes its way up and down his vertebrae when she grows hotter against his skin.

    But the smile fades when she says that she likes his scales, making him tilt his head curiously. His what? He turns his head and lifts his wings to examine himself carefully, but nothing seems out of place.. at first. The shimmering golden scales just above his tail finally catch his eye and he whips his head back toward Ember with his eyes slightly narrowed now. Was this the plague he’d heard so much about? Ophanim snorts and looks at the strange markings once more.

    Ember, you gave me the scale plague,” he says almost disappointedly. “I mean, I want to be upset but it’s kind of beautiful. Thank you.

    As soon as the words of gratitude leave his lips, he’s leaning in, tracing his lips across her shoulder to test the texture of her own scales. They’re rough to the touch but they make up in strength what they lack in pleasantness, he supposes. His own gold and ivory scales spread up his spine until they reach his head, where they spread over the high points of his cheeks.

    Do you.. have anyone, Ember?” he asks as he continues to explore her neck with the delicate skin of his lips. He assumes she’ll ask the same question of him and he wonders if he should tell the truth or not. How could he ever deny having someone like Starsin in his life, though?

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