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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Butterflies are self propelled flowers - any
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    The meadow seemed to be exactly as it had been before. In the period before the change she had started to spend more and more time in the meadow, fleeing from her home and all the pitiful and mean looks that were stowed upon her. Always had she been looked down upon or had caused others to worry. Ellyse would be a good example of someone who thought little of her, who made fun of her, and her parents – especially her mother – had always looked at her with a broken heart.

    And all because of her wings. Beautiful wings, which had shown her mother’s legacy with their blue color. Wings that had been taken away from her upon leaving the mountain. Vlinder could not say that she regretted it terribly, in fact, it was even like had been freed from a burden. Her wings had never functioned properly, never had she been able to fly, for her wings had been too weak to carry her. Instead of wings she now supported a horn, tall and elegant.

    But she could not be proud of it. The look in her eyes was dull, almost lifeless. Before she had been freed of her captive life, of the terror that had been lied upon her, the young mare had been broken. First Ellyse, then Tarnished, who had given her to Carnage and then Pollock had come to collect that was had been left of Tarnished’s herd. Her body was scarred, tainted and most obvious of all; her barrel was swollen. She was heavy with child, the dark god’s child. That one was clear as ever, but Vlinder could not tell which scar had been inflicted by which stallion. But they had effectively crushed her own free will and desires.

    Her gaze travels over the meadow, which soon would be filled with flowers again. The green had already starting to grow, signalling the early spring, and the snow driven away. However, the view doesn’t appeal to her, her eyes are not taking anything of the beauty in. She watches without looking, gaze dull, as she dips her head to the ground to nibble on some fresh young grass.
    Zeik x Felinae
    She should stop looking for him.

    He is nowhere to be found, and each night that passes is another notch in her surety that he is gone. Djinni stands alone at the top of a hill, her black and white mane a tangle against her grey neck as she looks down at the meadow around her,. It is fill of horses - full of strangers.

    The grullo mare turns to go.

    But go where ,she realizes. She has no place to return to, She never has, of course, but adrift as she is in this new Beqanna, she suddenly wants to. She wants something, someone, anything, to cling to. She is tired of drifting.

    The first thing her eyes settle on after the realization is a roan mare. She sports the type of horn that is rarely seen in Beqanna anymore, but it reminds Djinni of her childhood.

    "My father had a horn like that one," she says, taking a few steps forward and doing her best to meet the mare's fallen eyes. She starting to say something else, probably something equally friendly and meaningless, when she seems to suddenly realize that such an attitude might not be the best.

    "Are you...are you okay?" asks the small mare, lowering her head to look up into the blue roan's face. She looks as though the very life has left her body, but given the way that her barrel is swollen, that must be doubly untrue. The concern in her voice is genuine, and it shows in the soft lines of her pretty face, now furrowed in worry.
    D J I N N I
    genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    The tired feeling is nog unfamiliar to Vlinder. But she isn’t really tired of one thing in particular, more tired of life. Right now she would accept whatever life, the fairies or god throw at her, as she simply was too tired to put up a fight. Fighting had never brought her any good, submitting and numbing it all out was so much easier. Life surely would have something ready for her next.

    It is a voice, a friendly one, that pulls her out of her lifeless staring. However, when her eyes meet the ones of the grullo mare, the look in them is still dull. Vlinder just looks at the stranger for a while, but before she can actually get herself to reply, the grullo one beats her to it. Is she okay? Well, she obviously isn’t. Her coat is marred with scars and even some fresher wounds and barrel swollen with an unwanted child. And then not to forget about what impact the change might had on her.

    But at the same time she was sort of okay with it, because to the blue roan girl it didn’t matter anymore. ”I guess so.” The answer clearly indicated that she was not, however. The smile that pulled on the corners of her lips didn’t spark any joy either, as forced at it was. Yet Vlinder couldn’t genuinely smile, there was nothing to smile for.

    Even though Vlinder cannot bring herself to care for herself and her life anymore, it troubles her to see the concern on the grullo mare’s face. Too many times she had seen similar looks displayed on her mother’s face. Vlinder had never liked that look and neither did she now. ”This horn isn’t mine to keep though. With time she will take it back and change it for..” she pauses, trying to swallow the sudden lump in her throat. ”for my w-worthless wings.” She tries to advert the subject a bit, clearly not doing the best job on it.
    Zeik x Felinae

    OOC: Not really musey, Vlinder is harder to write than I expected..
    Djinni blinks quietly at the empty-eyed mare, unsure how to proceed. Should she say something else? Should she leave? She is saved from the struggle of making a decision by a reply from the roan mare.

    Though the scars on the other mare were plentiful, Djinni could offhandedly name a dozen reasons for scars - not all of them were the result of suffering. The expression (or rather, the lack of) in the unicorn's eyes is what has prompted her question. After all, it would never occur to her to asked a scarified member of the sisterhood if they were in need of help; those women were proud of the their battle marks.

    The outright lie of an answer has Djinni tilting her head, as a deeper frown mare the previous concern on her features. She doesn't return the other female's smile with anything more than a continued pursing of her mouth. The grullo doesn't speak up again until the other mare has fallen silent; she is unable to hold back her curiosity at the mention of wings.

    "Worthless?" She asks, the frown on her face lessening a bit as curiosity overcomes it. Djinni is a kind creature, but she is far more interested in learning about others than in making them feel their best. "I've had wings before. I liked them."
    D J I N N I
    genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    If her companion would decide to leave – which wasn’t that unlikely – another would come to take her place. But this mare was kind, or at least, she seemed to be nice. Who knew what the next equine would be like. She was an easy victim after all. So Vlinder probably should pay more attention to the grullo mare, make her stay because it was pleasant. Yet the blue roan girl cannot seem to get herself to it, not more than the fake smile upon her lips that was.

    She knows. The grullo mare knows. But Vlinder does not care. Yet she also wouldn’t admit that she was not fine out loud. She had learned and forced herself to accept her life. Just as she would accept whatever was thrown at her next. Fighting simply had no uses.

    Vlinder nods, her gaze moving away for a short second before she looks back at the two toned mare again. She keeps silent for a while, honestly still not liking it to talk about her ‘defect’. About her imperfectness, her failure state of being. ”Yes, worthless. They were nothing but an adornment.” She had long ago given up on trying to fly. Her last attempt had probably been the one in the meadow, when Cai had accidentally see her struggle. But that had been even before Tarnished had swapped her up from the field. Seeing her young niece fly had been enough to make her realise that she would never be able to. So why would she even try to get her wings back?
    Zeik x Felinae
    Despite the softness at Djinni's core, the grey creature has little tolerance for bouts of what she sees as self pity. What is the point of moping about the Meadow, bemoaning a lack of wings (and does not most everyone lack wings with this new trick of Beqanna's?). A year ago she'd had given the mare back her wings without a second though - these days she is as normal as grass beneath her hooves and she can give nothing more than a piece of her mind.

    "It looks like you could use some adornment," she replies, a single brow raised with a mixture of pity and worry (worry that is somewhat less heartfelt than it had been a moment ago).

    "Do you plan on being sad in the Meadow for much longer?" She asks, tilting her head in a bemused fashion.
    D J I N N I
    genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    Self-pity. Was that really how her current state was to be described? It were the pitying and worried looks – mostly from her parents and residents of the Gates, but also Van, and Cai – that she had hated the most. Had she really gotten to the point that she had started to pity herself? Her old self would’ve scoffed at it, criticizing her for doing the thing she had hated the most in others.

    But, perhaps, the grullo mare was right. As she puts another leg on rest, shifting her weight – and the extra weight in her stomach – around, a soft puff escapes her lips. Vlinder’s eyes meet Djinni’s again, different than before, behind the blank stare there is a slight spark. For the first time somebody put her back on the ground with four hooves, instead of talking her down or trying to sooth her. ”I don’t.. and I don’t want them back” she answers back, now avoiding Djinni’s eyes again, to stare off in the distance.

    It is the question that draws her attention back again. ”Sad?” she repeats, the word rolling of her tongue in a rather dull manner. Only to fall silent for a while after, pausing, letting the word settle in. ”I don’t know” she honestly answers, shrugging slightly. ”For as long as it takes for someone to show up.”
    Zeik x Felinae

    OOC: Sorry for the wait <3. Turned out that playing her lifeless was much harder than I anticipated.
    Djinni watches, curious as to the results of her forthright statement. She's said it mostly for her own amusement - and because it was true - but the impact that it might have has on the blue roan is equally appealing. She sees the change in the other mare, even if it is a minuscule one, and smiles.


    "Aren't you lucky then," she says with an amused quirk of her dark mouth. "Because here I am, showing up." Djinni has never suffered from low self-esteem. Why would she ever need to, when she can become whatever she wants in the blink of an eye? She suspects that this mare might, but even if she were wearing broken wings, there is nothing especially ugly about her appearance. She is scarred, yes, and heavily pregnant, but neither of those are death sentences. Well, perhaps the pregnancy, but the majority of mares seem to survive that well enough.

    "Do you live in the Meadow?" She asks, the good humor more firmly in her eyes now that she's established that it's time for Vlinder to cheer up. "Or were you just here waiting for me?" The twitch of her dark mouth is almost flirtatious (Djinni has never preferred any gender over the others), but she does not expect anything of it.
    D J I N N I
    genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    Vlinder cannot say that she likes the almost smudge look upon the grullo’s face, but she was also awfully aware of the fact that she wasn’t really in a position to say something about it. Also, she wasn’t yet sure if she was ready to admit such things out loud. ”Perhaps.” This mare wasn’t who she had expected to show up. Not that she had anyone particular in mind, she had just expected to get hoarded by a high on testosterone stallion again. ”Also depends on what you’ll do after showing up.”

    Another question and it was soon followed by a second one. The first was easy to answer, but the second one forced her to think a bit more. Meeting the other woman’s gaze again she is just in time to notice she small twitch, not that she’s totally aware of what it means exactly or what it does to her, something stirs nonetheless. ”Not really, I don’t have a home” she answers, managing this part quite well, but hesitant to continue.

    She couldn’t really understand why the grullo mare had approached her, neither why she was still around, but she no longer can say that she couldn’t care less. The company had stirred something inside her and to be left alone again, well, that would disappoint her more than she wanted to admit. Because Vlinder was aware of the fact that the next one that would come, could only be worse than her current company.
    Zeik x Felinae
    Djinni doesn't miss the hesitance in the blue roan mare's voice, but given that she doesn't know her from any stranger, the grullo mare can't blame her. After all, if the scars on the other female's sides are from hooves and teeth - as she expects they are - then she certainly has fair cause to be cautious.

    "Well, I certainly don't plan on kicking you around," she says bluntly, but there's nothing harsh or threatening in her tone or body language. she knows that there are those who enjoy causing pain, but she has never been one of them. The roan admits to not having a home though, and that distracts Djinni from that particular train of thought, and she tilts her head curiously.

    "Do you want a home?" She asks, somewhat more intensely than she'd meant to. "If you are, I know a place full of other women that won't kick you around either." That might be more appealing than she expects, but the tobiano adds: "They might even be glad to hunt down whoever it was that did the prior kicking, assuming you wanted them to."
    D J I N N I
    genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster

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