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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I don't think I'll ever land
    She knows she’s in trouble. 

    Her pregnancies have been hard on her these last few years, but this time … this time it’s different. Every part of her body aches deep within her bones, and she feels so, so tired all the time. She’s simply had one child too many, in trying to carry on her legacy. She’s done, she’s dried up.

    When her time comes (it takes so long to come, too long) she makes her way to the beach without fuss. She knows the end is coming. There’s no point in fighting it.

    She lays down in the damp sand and instinct takes hold, her body working to bring her last child out into the world. It’s difficult, far more difficult than it’s ever been, and she cries out in pain more than once.

    But, eventually, a damp bundle lies in the sand at her side. She struggles to her feet and pauses, momentarily surprised by a strange wet sensation on her hind legs. She glances back to see that her pale grey coat is stained red. “Ahh. So that’s how it’s going to be.”

    She takes a step towards the little bundle in the sand and is overcome by a sudden weakness. She stumbles, and falls by the child’s side. She can reach the child at least from where she lies and begins to clean off the muck of birth as best she can, though it is awkward work. 

    Within a few moments she has cleared enough away to see that it is a girl, a girl that has wings and is the most lovely shade of dark blue. Oswyn smiles at the sight. At least, if this is the end, she has left behind a truly beautiful little specimen to carry on her blood. A darling, gifted filly to carry on the family line.

    She reaches out to the child with a trembling muzzle and softly caresses the girl’s dark forehead. “Mura.” It means bitter, which is fitting. Bitterness that this is it, this is her last mark upon the world.

    Her weakness grows stronger and she lets her head fall to the sand. She lets out one last whispered prayer to the fairies (though she is not hopefully that they will answer). “Please, let my abilities find a worthy successor.” Within moments, she is gone. 

    Here lies Oswyn
    Destructive daughter of Taoh and Syntyche
    Mother of Khaos and his cult, and many others
    Killer of Corman, Tatter and Jovi

    She will not be missed

    I don't think I'll ever  land

    original html by rottie
    altered by squirt

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