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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Take back your lies, before you set yourself on fire; Phaedrus, any
    The reckoning broke away her chains, allowing her freedom from the herd ruled by an unruly tyrant. She had escaped with ease drawing little attention to herself, as she snuck out during nightfall. With one thought on her mind, to find her father.

    Maybe the idea was stupid, the man betrayed the family he had worked so hard to complete. But without hesitation he left them, turned them towards him. Her sister had vanished along with her own mother. Although Clarisse clearly suspected her mother was murdered, or even died when all was misshapen and reborn. But no evidence was visible, that her mother was indeed deceased.

    Her brothers and sisters had faded off, paving their own paths in life while she still waded in the waters of their past. So she traveled, from place to place in search of her father. First pangea, the Taiga, then to Ischia. 

    When she stepped foot in this new place she knew he was here, his scent riddled through the area. She had no sense of borders, only that the only being of her blood meandered through these grounds. 

    With light feet she ventures forwards, ebony limbs guiding her forwards, as she inched deeper into the depths of Ischia. With sweet vocals she called out for him, "Father." Allowing her voice to ring throughout the area. 

    Oh how careless she had been, sauntering in like an idiot doubting she would go unnoticed. 
    dont make promises that you cant keep
    html by call

    I don't have a lot of muse but it's here.

    The word reverberates through his core and claws deeply into his heart. He hasn’t heard that word in a while and that alone leaves a dip sting. His body quivers and his eyes tightly shut. Tiberios comes to mind, lying limp and maimed on the shore with the waves lapping at his tattered flesh. Tiphon remembers his son dead and remembers how the tragedy poisoned his mind. For weeks he was destroying himself physically and mentally, but his own magic would always replenish what he had lost.

    But it could never erase the pain.

    When his eyes open Tiphon immediately threads through the forest so that he may look upon the girl who uttered that one memorable word. He knows she isn’t his, but she is obviously someone’s daughter here on the island. ”Hello,” his mouth his dry and his eyes are searching hers. Her teal contrasts with his gold as they hold steadily for a juncture before he breaks the lingering silence. ”I’m Tiphon. Who is your father?” No one has yet stepped forward to confront her; she is alone, searching this island with hope gleaming in her eyes.


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