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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Anyone want to talk
    Kakashi was his name he had been called sensei where he came from. So that now as kinda a part of his name. He was very wise for his age. He was the standard grey color most would see an arab as. He was unlike most arabs wasn't super skidish. He was very brave. But not over confident. He had just resently decided to go traveling maybe teach some new foals what he had learned over his short 4 years of life. He hated the weather here ethough he was so used to colder temps. But this was kinda a nice change. He wondered which direction he should go.

    .......Dahmer's ocean blue eyes follow the stallion as he crosses the field, the hoofbeats reverberating clearly in the crisp air. The black beast is still, and then a shiver creeps up his spine and somehow finds its way out of his nose in a snort. Disdain sits comfortably on Dahmer's face, though directed at the presence of winter and not that of the Arabian before him.

    .......Supposing that his snort had drawn the attention of said unknown stallion, Dahmer flicks his blue eyes in the direction of the other and nods a small nod in greeting. His ears fail to rise from the tousled mess that is his black mane, a gruff voice erupting from his maw a few moments later. "I don't believe we were meant to endure weather colder than what we experience in the springtime." Another snort drops from his flared nostrils and the black Thoroughbred shifts his weight uncomfortably on the frozen earth.

    ......."Dahmer. And you are?"

    .......The Arabian seems more comfortable traveling through Beqanna than Dahmer had felt at all since his arrival, and he catches himself wondering if this other stallion had lived here long, or if he had simply grown accustomed to travel.


    Kakashi smiled at what the other stallion said "You guys in this land may not but where I come from it snows all year round and I was the one most adapted to it. But I decided to travel. My name is Kakashi, kids back home would add sensei on the end but you don't have to do that if you don't want to" he said. Unlike most stallions that met other stallions Kakashi only faught if he had to. Not that he was bad at it. He just preferred team work over fighting.

    (sorry if its not much I'm still a beginner)

    ......."My skin isn't nearly as thick as yours then, sensei," he grins lazily, luminous blue eyes following the grey's movements. The boy was young, those Dahmer could see that he had a few years of experience on him now. He'd grown into his legs, at least. "Are you enjoying your travels?" Dahmer had traveled in his youth, but his pride had dragged him home to the Subway and he'd lived there for many years, occupying the throne in his father's absence. Only after earthquakes had reduced his homeland to rubble did the black stallion brush off his shoulders and leave home, ready for adventure once again.

    .......This had led him to Beqanna and, in turn, Kakashi.

    .......Another small shiver attaches itself to Dahmer's spine. He whips his tail against his hindquarters in irritation, wishing fruitlessly that spring may greet them sooner rather than later.


    .......(It's okay! We all started somewhere! Try to think about the five senses a lot when you're posting, like what Kakashi is smelling or hearing. It'll help!)


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