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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    break some bread for all my sins | lucrezia

    Their touch is fleeting, but there is something about it that makes it loop in his mind, and Dahmer finds that his thoughts are continuously pulled back to it and his desire to do it again. After a few moments, the black stallion tries to pull his attention back to the present, considering the lava streams that were now much more abundant.

    The streams criss-cross here and there, feeding into each other until they are wide and daunting. His blue eyes follow the scorching plasma, but it's Lucrezia's laughter that draws his eyes upward once more. She tugs at his mane playfully and the black thoroughbred swings his hindquarters so that he bumps her gently. Warm laughter falling from his maw as he follows her up the path.

    "Well, we can't let that happen, can we?" He furrows his brow and and pretends to think for a few moments before nudging his companion on the flank, "Perhaps a few insults would make it smaller?" It's hard to keep the smile from his face, so Dahmer stops trying to suppress it, and instead allows himself to enjoy their adventure more thoroughly.

    It's not much longer before the volcano's caldera is visible, gaping and magnificent. The smell of sulfur is nearly overbearing, but the suffocating blanket of heat feels comfortable against his black frame, and Dahmer inches slowly closer to the cusp.

    Extending his neck so that he can peer over the edge, his blue eyes take in the awe-inspiring lava pool. Lake, actually.

    The new scenery is beautiful, but Dahmer's blue eyes are searching for Lucrezia's reaction to the view. He gives her another nudge, this time on her cheek, before he turns and smiles towards the caldera. "Thank you for being the most perfect trail guide."

    ooc /  respond to this once more, & then i can start a new thread after her promotion? Big Grin

    D A H M E R
    break some bread
    for all my sins


    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    Once the lava streams became abundant and large, her attention quickly drifted to focusing on the adventure that was laid out before them. Lucrezia simply fell into the rhythm of what came before her. Every detail was analyzed, trying to understand and learn what she could of the journey she shared so far with Dahmer. Her thoughts were not filled with emotions or anything regarding him. Lucrezia simply pushed such thoughts of dealt with emotional processing. She wanted to experience this moment solely, feel the beauty that laid before her, and forgetting anything that made the world grey and rainy.

    He, however as much she tries to not resurface to reality, brings the mare back. The stallion nudged her on the flank, and she is quick to playful nip a bite at him. She had barely heard his first words but his last one is quickly noted. Lucrezia watches as his smile quickly blossoms across his face—full of enjoyment and contentment. “It’s not in you to be so harsh,” somehow a smile finds its way across her lips, “It would be sad to taint your good heart.” Lucrezia then falls silent and makes her way forward as the smile still remains faintly on her lips.

    The adventure is almost over before it even begins as she sees the volcano’s caldera. It something Lucrezia has always felt with every adventure. But, for now, she carries on with the present adventure and admires the extreme warm. The smell of sulfur is surely overbearing and not very pleasant to enjoy while up where her and Dahmer are but she will do with it for now.

    Lucrezia slowly inches with Dahmer up to the cusp. “Ah,” she says in admiration as she sees the large pool of lava. “It’s amazing.” She simply says and falls silent, admiring the magma lake and feeling satisfied they have reached the very top now.

    Dahmer nudges her, bringing her attention towards him with nutmeg eyes. A familiar and genuine grin grows across her thinned lips at his words. “It was great,” she says, “Maybe I’ll take you one another adventure soon. You’ve proven to be a wonderful companion.” Lucrezia then brushes her muzzle onto his neck as her smile still continues to beam.
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here

    OOC: Yay! Smile I love them together ha
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