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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And so you choose

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    It is only the darkness she can see. The pounding of hooves is the only thing she can hear—even her own heartbeat is quiet. Someone is out there, they called for her to come help. Nonetheless, she continues forward on this uncertain path without question of what or why. It is simply for her to trust the indefinite with her whole heart.

    Suddenly, she is not alone. Lucrezia hears the pounding of foot onto solid ground. It is not like her loud hooves, but more soft and quieter. She can sense another at her side. It is another creature she has never imagined or seen before. Lucrezia is not frightened though. She has seen many things in her life time, things not part of this world. The mare looks to her left, watching two green eyes that peer at her. Then there is a voice—this is Time, somehow she knows it. She listens as he speaks.

    Time needs her. “Okay,” she says without a question, “I will save her.” It was more than a simple need, but something that was desperately important to Time. Lucrezia knows what that felt like, and surely there was no time to waste. An exit appears, a bright light illuminating her path ahead. Her heart beats faster than she has ever felt it before but she is not afraid of what comes next. Lucrezia steps out into the light.

    There was no going back now.

    Suddenly, the temperature drops around her. Lucrezia shivers violently as the cold touches her and fills her body. The wind howls around her, almost like a chorus of wolves singing. There is snow all around her. It rises up in front of her, and thus a large mountain stands. It is truly not like the small volcano she has come to know, and certainly large like one of the mountains in the Chamber. Lucrezia breaths heavily, shivering again. She was not prepared for such a change of season—not when you live in a warm place all year long.

    She peers through frosted hair strands and frozen eyelashes, noticing there are two paths. One is simple and one is hard. Lucrezia nods her head, quickly choosing the direct path through the mountain. It will not be an easy trip, but Lucrezia has never feared a challenging adventure and knew life was not simply so easy without obstacles. These obstacles are important, something she has learned and grown from. And this was no different, but she is quick to accept and makes her way through the mountain while she shivers from top to bottom.

    The path becomes steeper as she climbs up. It is colder and the snow is much deeper here. Her breath is becoming heavy and fainter the more time she climbs up the path. Sometimes she passes through narrow paths and sometimes the path is wide. Lucrezia at times feels like stopping to take a rest. She is so very cold in this place. Yet, she does not. The mare, committed to her word and almost feels dutiful to save this her, continues forward. You are brave, she remembers Yael telling her. “I am brave,” she whispers as the wind howls through the mountain passageway.

    After a long time, a foul stench reaches in her nostrils. It smells of rotting flesh and odor as if someone had not bathed in years. Lucrezia tries not to smell or breath the smell, but she cannot keep it away. The more she moves on the path, the more the smell becomes fouler. Eventually, the spotting of bodies ripped apart are all dotted across the pathway. There is bones and flesh, old and only a couple days old. Lucrezia coughs several times, and then there is a loud violent roar.

    She freezes where she stands, looking up the pathway as a giant creature stands only fifty feet away from her. Her breath is held in for a moment but it feels like more than a lifetime. The giant is enormous with just one large eyeball. It is very hairy and definitely is the source of the unpleasant smell she has been trying to come to terms with. The cyclops holds a humongous hammer in his right hand. It is moving rather slowly towards Lucrezia. Suddenly, she has her breath back again and lets out a loud gasp for air to fill her lungs. The giant beast stops; it looks around casually though it seems to have trouble seeing anything. It then continues forward.

    Lucrezia knows she must make a decision quickly. The cyclops is so close to her! Her eyes quickly consider situation before her. She notices how slow he moves and that she just might be small enough to make her way around him by hugging the right side of the wall. It was a risky plan. I’m brave, she tells herself and quietly makes her way forward with caution.

    She inches forward, the giant is so close. The smell is so unbearable. She almost chokes at how foul it is. It makes her want to gag, but she knows she has to hold it in. She must!

    As the giant gets closer, Lucrezia hugs the wall of the pathway. She is now almost inches from his body. The hair on his body rubs against hers, there are insects of all kinds and filth stuck in it. It is beyond disgusting, nothing she can imagine. Lucrezia gags at the sight of it. The noise is loud and echoes through the pathway. “Oh no, oh no!” She screams, and the giant bends down to peer at all the commotion. His eye searches, focusing here and there until it spots the mare’s body. It lets out a loud roar and Lucrezia screams again.

    Her hooves pound against the snow, trying with all her might to escape this one-eyed beast. Then suddenly there is a bang on the ground. It rather sounds like a soft thump on the snow, but Lucrezia knows that this beast just smashed its large hammer onto the group. The earth shakes underneath her and suddenly the walls at her side begin to fall. The hammer of the giant causes the start of an avalanche. Lucrezia can hear the crashing of snow and ice fall, and is quick to glance above her watching it do so too.

    “OH NO!” She shouts again and plumps forward at a quick canter, dashing through the snow and ice that falls. Lucrezia is quick with her movements and appears to be making an escape from the mountain that collapses around here. She doesn’t even bother to look back to see if the one-eyed giant is following her. It seemed that once the avalanche started he became very quiet—thankfully, she admits.

    Then suddenly she trips. The snow and ice fall around her quicker, she gets caught up in all of it. Her movement becomes slower and quickly she is buried beneath it all. She is rolling, crashing and bumping all the way down the path. Lucrezia yells for help, but her sound is muffled by the snow.

    It feels like a very long time, bumping and crashing against the mountain, but eventually she rolls slower and slower and comes to a stop. Lucrezia lets out a loud breath of relief and pain. Her body aches so bad. It feels like she has been broken into a million pieces but, in fact, she is surprisingly still in one piece. Lucrezia slowly digs her way out of the snow is she covered in. Her movements are slow, and surely she will ache for weeks and have bruises to heal. In time she digs herself out of the snow.

    She blinks, feeling a bit dizzy from all the rolling. Once her vision is back to normal she peers around carefully. In the distance she sees something. It is a Stonehenge-like rock formation. Lucrezia moves forward, knowing this is where she is meant to go. She limps as she walks, slowly but carefully in time she will get there. There is not a lot of time left, but she hopes she has enough time to save her. Save her, she remembers Time saying. “I will,” she whispers softly, “I promise I will.” And Lucrezia always keeps her promises.
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here

    Encounters a cyclops and he causes an avalanche.
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    Messages In This Thread
    And so you choose - by Time - 12-27-2016, 08:17 PM
    RE: And so you choose - by hawke - 12-28-2016, 02:50 AM
    RE: And so you choose - by Iasan - 12-28-2016, 06:55 AM
    RE: And so you choose - by Jay's Wing - 12-29-2016, 01:12 AM
    RE: And so you choose - by Rora - 12-30-2016, 01:51 PM
    RE: And so you choose - by Druid - 12-30-2016, 07:35 PM
    RE: And so you choose - by Lucrezia - 12-30-2016, 07:39 PM
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    RE: And so you choose - by Briske - 12-31-2016, 05:41 AM
    RE: And so you choose - by irisa - 12-31-2016, 02:46 PM

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