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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Burn baby burn! - Iasan
    Torn between shame, a warm heart and a flinch of jealousy she had decided it was time to finally properly meet her brother. She hadn’t been fair in her judgement and behaviour to Iasan, something that hadn’t been fair. It wasn’t his fault for being born and neither was it her parents’ for loving each other. Jinju should embrace him, welcome him in and be a good big sister, instead of the jealous and afraid child she no longer was. Or no longer should be.

    With Heda things had been different. Shé had been the one who had offered the bluish girl a home and Jinju had genuinely meant it. She loved Heda as her sister, was even glad that she finally had that thing what she had been jealous off while watching Alivia and Arete. But what had been so different when it came to her appaloosa spotted brother? Well, she knew the answer to that, but was honestly ashamed to admit it. He was different, he wasn’t adopted. Jinju knew that Ruan and Reagan loved all their children, but she hadn’t been able to not let herself be influenced by bad thoughts and her fears.

    The fight with her father had changed some things. She had seen how much he had needed her and she had been the one to pull him back to them. Only to lose herself in return. It had helped her realise that she would always been his daughter, maybe not by blood, but she was either way. And nobody would take that away from her, not even her younger brother whom her father was so proud on. And the one she should apologise to.

    The black girl isn’t sure where to find him and thus she roams the forest that is her home, searching for him without hurry. Perhaps this little extra time would give her time to come up with what to say to him, but at the same time she knew it could also result her to flee. So eventually she calls out, hoping for him to answer so she can find him. Jinju didn’t know if he was still close to their mother’s side during most of the time. That would surely make things even more awkward, but at the same time did the red eyed girl long to see her mother again.

    @[Spink], feel free to throw Reagan in there too if you want too ^^
    Time stands still.

    Iasan is changed.

    He has his abilities back, and he has seen the] bowels of what makes up Beqanna’s underbelly. He has met Time. He has battled a gryphon. No one else, not even his mother, is aware of the goings on. They had carried on their lives as they ever did and Iasan had retreated from Taiga, moving into the shadows, licking his wounds, scars forming. They were a souvenir, courtesy of Time. They were all he had.

    That, and his memories.

    And so, back here in the conifer forests, the son of Ruan walks with calculated step. He has aged, and has come into his own. Deep green eyes survey the treeline, looking for anyone he may recognize. Here, he is not camouflaged. His spots would give him up for who he was, and he wondered which of his sisters would come and harangue him for being gone. Jinju, Heda, Terra; And his twin siblings from both his parents. There was an entire passel of them, more than he could keep up with. And though he was not the oldest, he had aged the fastest.
    Jason’s memory of these woods pushed against his mind as he looked upon the trees of his birth with much older eyes than his three years. He hears a crack of a twig, and he immediately is rapt with attention.

    Slowly, he fades into obscurity. His spots disappear, and he slinks behind a tree, looking to see who would be in this part of the forest.

    His mother? His father?

    Friend or foe?
    She had never expected that finding him would be this hard. Didn’t he live in the Taiga with their parents? Sure, he wasn’t a weanling anymore, but with how close their family had been she had thought he would stick around a little longer. But perhaps things had changed since she disappeared. Her disappearing had been quite a surprise too, so Jinju didn’t know that her baby brother had gone missing in her own absence.

    ”Iasan?” she calls, holding still as the silence stretches around her. Well, that was if you didn’t count the sounds of the animals in the woods. As the silence lingers on Jinju starts walking again, tail flicking through the air to scare the flies of her coat as her ruby eyes look around. But no, his spotted form isn’t to be found among the Taiga’s trees. Little did she know that her little – or not so little anymore – brother had a little gift of his own.

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