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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Against dark skies, A flicker of light; Karaugh

    He remembers spring.  The new growth springing from beneath barren soil.  Song birds dancing across gentle breezes.  Singing to their mates, rejoicing in the soft warmth of the sun.  Crisp air filled with new scents, scents he has yet to know.  But he will know these scents before long...

    Upon strong wings he flies high above the richly colored canopies.  Their rusty colors still rich as everything else turned green.  He much enjoyed these morning flights.  Careless strokes upon wind current moved him ever so slowly.  Gliding more than anything he took his time watching the activities below.  There was little to see as of lately.  Like roaches to light the equines scattered for the shadows, hiding away.  Or had they left, he was unsure.  The only things he was sure of was his mother lingered more closely to the cave these days.  Her sides heavy.  Sleeping most of the day deep within the shelters damp confines.  He kept watch over her.  Taking to the skies only when she slept. Much had changed and he was sure much was to continue to change...

    Shifting his weight slightly the air bended and he turned.  The sun was breaking away from the horizon and becoming higher in the sky.  It was time to return to the shadows...

    Feathers tucked in as he descended once again to the earth.  He had mastered breaking into the thick canopy and cut cleanly under it.  Hooves struck ground and he settled.  Wings tight against his barrel.  Orbs scanned the area for signs of life.  Even the Raven did not follow him.  Instead perched itself outside the mouth of their home.... waiting.  His coat of dark ink had faded to a purple which did not hide as well in the forest.  He found that he much liked being different.  Standing out amongst the crowd of browns, blacks and greys more common to his kind.  Upon not finding much to see here he grew bored and made his way through the endless sea of trees back to his home... Their home...

    With each carefully placed step an imprint was made in the softened ground.  Weaving left than right, left... Right... Until before long the ridge was in view.  Jagged rocks looked out of place against the pale blue skies.  Hell against heaven... His thoughts trailed but lobes were vigilant.  Slightest of sounds rattled him from fantasy to reality.  A branch cracking here, leaves rustling there... CAW!  Motion ceased as the warning startled him to attention.  Was the Raven simply warning his mother of his approach or was something wrong... 

    His muscles flexed as his body lunged forward.  Hooves struck the terrain in a three beat gait quickly approaching the cave entrance.  His nares drew in a deep breath and a new scent... What was this smell?  Muzzle lowered as he entered cautiously.  Orbs adjusting to the lack of light available.  Soon though he made out a familiar figure curled upon the dried grasses of bedding.  She called to him gently, "Klaudius, meet your sister... Kolera"

    Calm Before the Storm
    And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you

    It was different here.  Gone was the warmth of the womb she clung to for almost a year.  Hunger nor thirst she had not known.  Darkness and warmth, but not here.  No, here was cold.  Her belly yearned for something but she was unsure of what that was.  So much uncertainty she had...

    Comfort came in the form of a body beside hers.  It's warmth soothing but it did not take away the bite of the chill completely.  Her mind told her to stand.  Stand and thrive but she needed guidance.  A brushing came across her delicate features.  Cleaning away the wetness that dampened her brown coat.  Deep black orbs struggled to see it's form in the darkness. Surely whatever it was was good.  Tiny nares breathed deeply the foreign air and the scents that followed.  Everything was so new and it was exhausting to say the least...

    As her crown lowered to nestle across her forelimbs, lids half shuttered a noise came forth.  A horrid screech that startled her to alertness.  Soon followed by nearing steps as a dark figured emerged in what light there was.  Each slow step brought it closer... closer... Then a gentle sound came from behind her.  From the warm body that lay beside hers in the dried grasses it came.  Meant for the other.  Looking up now at the towering figure that was examining them she snorted.  Klaudius, meet your sister Kolera... Words meant little to her but she was a bright child and she sensed they all were to know each other.  There was no danger here and she was safe.  Satisfied with that she twisted her nape back to lie her small head across her limbs.  Huddled close to the warmth she knew now...


    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

    It had been a long journey, one which she was glad to have over. With it's ending though came greater responsibility.  Not only one but now two she had to tend to.  Her son was growing quick.  Gone were the spindley limbs and clumbsy flight.  Yes he had grown quite nicely; strong, smart, protective.  She was satisfied...

    The newly born body beside her didn't appear to be special in any way.  Her brother at least was born with wings.  As her dark orbs scanned over the child in judgement she noted her very plain appearance much like her own.  Actually identical in almost every way except the white marking she displayed as her father did.  Speaking of her father he had not been around as of late.  Nor the bloodsucker that left a grotesque wound upon her nape.  She ponder the thoughts for a moment but they were quick to be interrupted by a ruckus at the mouth of the cave.  She knew the noise all to well so she didn't flinch. Watching as the young filly came to abruptly as the noise grew louder.  A gentle grin came over her features as the colt appeared...

    "Klaudius, meet your sister Kolera."

    Watching contently as the colt inched nearer in general curiousity.  The child settled to sleep but she was restless.  To many days had gone by that she lingered near the damp dark cave.  To many nights she lie tucked away.  She had a need to venture out.  So she gathered herself upon ebony daggers and rose.  A slight shake of her tassels to rid herself of the dried grasses that clung to her hide.  Startling the filly to rise as well.  She smiled to her children, "How about we go stir up some trouble?!"

    Quietly they followed in suit walking from the darkness of the cave and into the light of the day.  The Sylva forests had been dormant for too long... 
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call
    Take a bite
    If you dare
    And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you

    Just as her mind had settled to sleep the warm body next to her shifted away.  Again her orbs opened, head swiveled to view the large figures towering over her.  Her own limbs finding their footing to raise her small frame from the cave floor.  Teetering one way and then the other she struggled to find balance.  As the pair walked off she placed one careful hoof after another.  They got easier to manage with each consecutive step...

    Soon she broke into the open of the land.  The foreign light blinding as she blinked away the darkness.  As the forest came into view she was engulfed in its vastness.  The towering canopies of bright reds, yellows and oranges shielded them from the direct sunlight.  As did the ridgeline behind them.  Casting shadows in either direction.  Soft green grasses blanketed what clearings were available.  Sparse flowers dotted here and there of various colors and varieties.  Wide-eyed she took in the scenery before her.  Its beauty and perfection...

    Was short lived... With each step placed the foilage beneath it crumbled to ash.  Leaving a path of destruction behind her.  She had been to young to notice the difference between her prints and her families.  Theirs did not alter the ground beneath them.  Not like hers.  Looking to her mother as they stopped, confused at the faultered expression upon her face.  Her brother too had noticed the change and in true form he investigated curiously.  She watched as he approached the bare spots, muzzle to the ground.  Nares flared and fluttering strange noises.  What was he looking at?  Crown cocked in interest at his silliness but it was short lived.  Turning back to mother she reached out her tiny muzzle to touch her hock.  Brushing it softly as she waited for their journey to continue...


    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust


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