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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Stick and Stones, Love[Nymph, any]
    So much had happened since they parted ways years ago.  She wondered if this was still where he called home.  Where he lived out his days in peace while she plotted and planned.  Her diplomatic status was her excuse to leave Sylva.  Escape the clutches of the bloodsucker who had drank her to near death.  Scars upon her nape were slow to heal.  Marking her for all to see even though ebony drapes tried to conceal them.  She needed to get out so she gathered her brood to go visit her father...

    The trek was not short by any means.  Most mother's of newborns would decide against walking such a distance.  Not her.  No she led them across the forests of Sylva and along the borders of Tagia.  Into the common lands then arriving at the very spot they parted ways at the water crossing.  She pushed forward into the cool stream.  Kolera followed closely behind.  Being Summer the water wasn't all too deep and they easily walked across.  Klaudius of course had taken to the skies and she was sure had caught the attention of the residents within Tephra.  She was not intending to sneak up on anyone anyhow.  When the pair reached the shore she looked to her daughter and nudged her up onto the bank.  As Kolera stepped onto the bank the vegetation immediately crumbled.  Turning from a lush green to a dry brown in seconds.  Watching it twist and morph she was semi concerned but increasingly impressed. Since Rhonen had seemingly disappeared she had no answers to what would be the cause.  Perhaps her father would know...

    Deciding against lingering near the borders to await a formal escort she advanced within the land.  Devilish grin ever present upon her maw.  She had taken in this scent before and knew of the leader Magnus from his trip to Sylva.  She had told him of her impending visit so she did not see the need for a welcome.  Instead she scanned the lands for her dear 'ol dad...
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call
    Take a bite
    If you dare

    Taking to the skies was his norm now.  Since building his strength and improving his aerial skills he enjoyed bending the air to his benefit.  So he watched them from above to ensure their safety as they traveled by land.  His sisters path was easily seen as the grasses browned at her touch.  It was a peculiar ability to say the least.  Maybe like his she could learn to control it.  To strengthen her mind to control her gift....

    As he glided upon the currents he wondered where they were headed and why?  They rarely left the cave let alone Sylva.  He didn't question his mother intent though.  He followed faithfully and if any trouble shall arise he would be there for his family...

    Calm Before the Storm

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