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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Open]
    And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you

    They had been walking for days.  Through mountain ridges and dense forests, then thru a river they walked.  Was it even possible to grow stronger but weaker at the same time?  She had no idea.  Tiny lungs heaved as she kept pace.  She envied her brother who had taken to the skies with ease.  Not her though.  No she was not that unique.  She had to walk.  The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth.  Making her want to spit.  Brows furrowed as she seethed inside...

    Such anger brewed within the very young foal.  She decided to entertain the walk by placing nip after nip upon her mother hock... That is until she was scolded with a much harsher bite upon her wither.  She seemed to be on a mission to find something.  So Kolera looked for other entertainment...

    A quick glance behind her brought an idea to her frontal lobes.  A devilish little smirk curled upon her tiny muzzle as she bounded a ways from her mother's trail.  All along the vegetation crumbled beneath her leaving tell tale signs of her whereabouts.  The thick grasses curled over atop one another as she continued on her path.  Crossing here and circling there she created a design from the dried foilage.  In her distraction she had lost track of Mother but she wasn't worried nor cared.  She was tired of walking so she collapsed to the turf.  As she lay there she was encircled by browned grass.  She watched as it spread out from where she laid.  Nares fluttered a snort of exhaustion as she began to drift off...


    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust


    It was the dead of summer, and though Tephra was knowing for it’s high temperatures and warm climate, the stallion had become accustomed to the weather. He has come to love the volcano that watches over the land, a silent and brooding protector rising high in the distance. He moves through the humid land with ease, finally comfortable with the ins and outs of the landscape. When he first arrived, he was extremely focused on learning the land, and could be seen following new paths and exploring throughout the kingdom. Before, it was haphazard and less purposeful. But now, he takes his steps easily and confidently, walking purposefully as he roamed.

    Warrick was not one to sit in one place for more than a few minutes at a time and this was his explanation for constantly venturing throughout Tephra (the true reason was only known to the silent and stoic stallion). It was almost like a clockwork routine. He was not assigned to protect the borders or to scout for intruders, but he did not like feeling useless (or bored).

    The bay stallion was making his typical trip around the outskirts of his home when he notices a parting in the long, brown-green grasses. He snorts curiously, navy-tipped ears pricking forward with interest. His slow walk became a trot, nostrils flaring and head lifting upwards cautiously.

    Of course, what he found was no new shape in the landscape of Tephra nor was it an imminent threat – it was merely a foal curled up in the grasses, sleeping peacefully. Warrick stops short, standing over the sleeping filly with a tilted head to match his look of uncertainty (as well as complete surprise). Questioningly, he glances around for any sign of other horses around them. Whose child was this? He was still learning the names and faces of Tephra – it could be anyone.

    Warrick lowers his head towards the bay filly, nostrils flaring inquisitively. A scent reaches him that is familiar – distant but lost somewhere in the trace of his mind. He raises his head quickly (he dare not interrupt the child just yet), snorting once more as he tries to search his mind and place how he recognized the smell. He closes his eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply.

    His eyelids flick open, revealing brilliant blue eyes that glance down at the filly. He remembers now; the mysterious mare he had met in the forest – the filly bore an acquainted scent. He presses his navy lips together in a thin line with thought. Why was a filly from Sylva resting peacefully on Tephra soil? His black tail flicks at his indigo hocks as he debates.

    Finally, he decides that he must wake the child. He whinnies as he paws the ground beneath him with a single hoof, attempting to raise her from her sleep as well as alerting any who were near that assistance would be needed – or perhaps a mother would emerge from the shadows and all will be solved.  


    And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you

    Stretching out upon the land she lies peacefully.  The sun's rays kissed her chocolate coat, warming her in its embrace.  As she dreamed she ran thru meadows.  Lush green meadows that did not wilt as she touched it.  A meadow dotted with yellow flowers upon rolling hills.  She pranced happily feeling the softness beneath her hooves instead of ash.  Why did everything she touch die?..

    She was enjoying her frolicking when a coolness came over her.  A slight chill that tingled her small spine to quiver.  Had the sun set already?  She couldn't have been asleep that long.  She hadn't heard him advance upon her and barely noticed the alarm in his voice.  The shaking of the ground where she laid issued a slight response.  Still flat upon her side her one eye squinted open to view the disturbance.  His large frame blocked the sun from reaching her thus causing her chill.  Great! Now what did she do?  

    Curling her legs to her body she lifted slowly.  Shaking away the sleep and dried grass clinging to her.  She stumbled slightly to one side as she miscalulated the force behind it.  Tiny lips parted in a wide yawn.  How long had she been sleeping?  Dark orbs glanced about.  It was still day but Mother was not in sight.  Oh well.  Her glancing fell upon the one who had woken her.  He looked similar to her but... different.  The look on his face was of confusion and a tad of worry.  In her naive mind she figured maybe he was the one lost and needing help.  Her tiny voice sang out, "Are you lost or something?" One tiny brow raised in question as she waited...


    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust


    He isn’t used to being around children, but he remembers vividly his time as a yearling and how most of that time was spent glued to his twin sister’s side, making sure that she was safe and well. He could feel that sense of protection coming back to him, familiarly pricking at his insides – a recognizable instinct; distant, but involuntary. He hesitates at first, his bright blue eyes still shifting uneasily for any sign of a parent while cobalt nostrils flare hopefully to inhale a scent of a Sylvian horse to claim the child.

    The tiny filly doesn’t seem to be as concerned or worried as Warrick was. The child opens one eye listlessly, calmly watching him with an expression that could only be seen as disappointment. Warrick’s blue-tipped ears flip back slightly as he dips his head in an apology. He pauses. Should he even be sorry for waking an obviously lost or abandoned child? Oh, never mind that now.

    Warrick notices the dried and brown grass clinging to her small frame, his brilliant blue eyes watching curiously as she struggles to find her balance and stand. The girl is unruffled as she prepares to speak to who had dared wake her from her slumber, yawning casually as she surveys him. Warrick draws his head back slightly in response, his gaze shifting uncertainly. “Me? Lost?” His voice is inviting and warm (as it was always) as he eyes the young stranger, tossing his head to emphasize his surprise.

    It seems that she did not know where she was when she laid her head on Tephra’s green (rather, once was green) grasses. He can’t help but find a smile pulling at his navy lips as he lowers his head slightly to be at eye-level with the auburn filly.

    “How are you so sure that you aren’t the one who is lost?”


    And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you

    As she eyed him over in curiousity she noticed his obvious concern over something.  Dark orbs shifted about searching for what it may be.  Seeing nothing she secretly confirmed him as being potentially crazy.  He spoke kindly so she mustered a smile as a look of shock came over his features following her question.  Clearly this one needed her help... So she thought.

    She awaited to hear his dilemma and how she could be of assistance.  When he questioned her once more on her being 'lost' she couldn't help but giggle.  In her tiny voice she spoke boldly, "I can't be lost.  You see I know where I've been so then can I really ever be completely lost?" She turned to view the path which she had taken to get here.  The dried grasses a clear route to where she had came from.  Looking back to the stallion to confirm he saw.  Waiting for a sign that he understood. She didn't understand borders and kingdoms yet.  She was merely a foal amongst the green(or was green) grasses...

    Orbs wandered once again as she thought to herself.  Surprised that her mother nor brother were near.  Maybe they had got lost?  Raising her tiny snipped muzzle to view the stallion she asks, "Have you seen my mother?  She looks like you... Kinda.  Or my brother?  He looks nothing like you."  Snickering at the thought.  Nothing was putting it mildly...


    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust


    He watches her, his brilliant sapphire eyes curious. Their depths still hold a sense of urgency and concern, however; she is still nameless and, as of right now, parentless. Her presence is welcomed (as she did not seem to be an imminent threat to the residents of Tephra) and the young, auburn girl was neither in distress nor tears. For that, Warrick was thankful. This seems like it would be an easy problem to fix, with a simple solution – find her guardians and get her on her way home to Sylva.

    She is unaware to the fact that she has entered another territory. Of course, such a young and naïve child wouldn’t know the first thing about where lands melded into other lands – she also didn’t seem to understand that losing sight of her family could be considered a dire situation. She is bold, though. He would give her that. She was unafraid and fearless as she addressed him, and he almost tells her that she is lucky he had been the one to happen upon her; who knows what another horse (or even another animal) might have done to a trespassing filly.

    Warrick’s gaze flickers past the filly as she points out her trail of dead grass that was left in her wake, and the stallion smiles. “Breadcrumbs?” he asks amusedly, his eyes finding hers once again. Her gaze is wandering, maybe searching for someone, a companion, that she probably thinks is hiding somewhere in the shadows nearby (and Warrick desperately hoped so).

    His black tail flicks idly against his mahogany haunch as she questions him, cobalt-tipped ears listening intently. Brows rise in amusement at her attempt to describe her mother and brother. Warrick tosses his head in response, black tendrils of mane and forelock cascading down his auburn neck and face. “The only one I’ve seen is you, child. What is your name?”

    w a r r i c k

    And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you

    As she spoke of her mother and brother, noting the stallions look of amusement, she thought of where they could be.  Tiny muzzle pointed skyward as dark eyes scanned the skies.  Not seeing anything she simply shrugged her shoulder and cocked an ear as he spoke.  Hearing that he had not seen anyone but her made her a tad uneasy, for a moment.  She quickly answered his question, "Kolera.  Who are you?" She didn't try to seem so bluntly forward but it just kind of came natural to her.  To say she lacked manners would be an understatement.  She waited a moment for his answer but her attention drifted quickly.  Her gaze fell upon a familiar sight hidden within the shadows of the pines. "Hey! I know you..." She picked up her tiny hooves and began trotting over to the figure that lingered in the dark...

    As she neared the treeline she gave no mind to what else may have been lurking.  Muzzle to the treetops she viewed the small ebony creature looking down at her.  To get a better view she raised up on her hind limbs, front hooves landing onto the pines bark as she braced herself upon it.  Just as her hooves were placed upon the mighty pine it's transformation took hold.  It's needles browned and fell like rain upon her.  It's thick bark that had protected it's heart peeled exposing the fragile insides to the elements.  An open buffet for insects to feast upon.  The Raven which had been perched upon its branch leaped from the tree as it was consumed.  Taking refuge to the skies above...

    It was all she could do, to stand and watch the majestic tree die from her touch.  Why did everything she touch fall dead?  She had mixed emotions on whether she should cry or be impressed.  Looking back at the stallion as her limbs returned to the dried grasses around her.  A single tear trailing down her delicate face.  Her tiny voice full of dismay, "Don't come near me.  Everything I touch dies."


    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust


    She is curious and courageous, realizing her predicament but not in the least showing any sort of panic or fear. She speaks her name, her voice twinkling and small with her youth. “Kolera,” he says her name assuredly, hoping that the calmness in his voice let her know that she was indeed safe, even though she was in the presence of a strange stallion. “I’m Warrick – this is my home.” He introduces himself as well as politely making it aware to her that she was no longer in her own home, though he hopes that his statement does not bring alarm. He casually glances over his shoulder, his brilliant blue eyes focusing on the stoic and silent volcano in the distance – the monument of Tephra.

    When his cobalt gaze turns back towards Kolera, she is gone. He panics slightly but he finds her small body easily given the fact that the grass around her was brilliant green and her auburn body contrasted brightly against its color. He notices the trail of dead and dying grass in her wake, curiously following her path as she makes her way to the tree, blue nostrils sniffing at the brittle foliage inquisitively. He has seen many powers and traits in his time in Beqanna, but each one that he was introduced to was marvelous to him.

    The sound of the cracking and groaning of the tree causes Warrick to throw his head up in alarm, brow furrowing with concern as his eyes come into focus on the scene before him. The tree seems to be moving in fast forward, aging before his very eyes. The bark becomes hollow and husks away to reveal the dying tree, falling like dust, as it quickly becomes a pile of itself on the ground. Kolera stands above its remains, youthful eyes full of sorrow and slight bewilderment. Warrick’s own gaze softens with empathy beneath a dark and tangled forelock, navy lips pressing into a thin frown.

    She comes back to meet him, head low and voice quiet – almost embarrassed before him. He lowers his own head to try and meet her gaze, snorting softly. He barely thinks about what he does next – he bumps her cheek with his muzzle with a gentle touch, an attempt to comfort her in some way before raising his head inquisitively. His eyes dart around cautiously, glancing at his legs and then looking over his shoulder to look at his mahogany back and hips. After a few moments he turns to Kolera with a shrug, brows rising with a look of intrigue across his weary face.

    “I seem to be just fine,” he states softly, a hint of a smile on his navy lips. He brushes past her purposefully, his own shoulder bumping against hers softly. “Come,” he says over his shoulder, “let’s try and find your mother and brother.”

    w a r r i c k

    And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you

    Standing before him in a heap of sorrow the chocolate and ebony foal wished more than ever to go home.  His brief nudge startled her and in response she jumped back.  Her dark eyes wide in panic as they fell upon him.  Watching. Waiting. Expecting him to fall to dust before her eyes.  His eyes seem to show the same concern as he looked himself over.  Nothing.  A puzzled look came over her features as she scanned over his form.  Her eyes quickly shifting from the dead pine and back to him.  What was the difference?...

    Her thinking was interrupted by his voice summoning her to follow.  They would search for her family together.  Her sorrows forgotten as she happily pranced to his side.  Maybe she wasn't the deadly killer she thought she was. "Ok," she agreed happily.

    As they moved on her thoughts had left her.  Again she was content in herself and paid no mind to the ways of the world.  Such a childish existence.  She bounced here and there.  Stopping to watch a butterfly float across her path.  As it fluttered past she picked up pace once again to the stallions side.  Looking up to him she spoke boldly, "They know where I am you know.  The Raven never strays far from Mother."  Her eyes shifted to the skies where the Raven had taken to.  She wasn't exactly sure why they were looking for them but she was content so she didn't care.  Her mother was near she was sure...


    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust


    Flight had become more familiar than walking for him these days.  His every waking moment was spent upon the air currents.  A view that many of his kind could not hold.  He viewed the lands from above.  Able to trace the kingdoms borders where they melted together.  This new land his mother led them into was quite unique.  Molted streams of red liquid ran from its source, a towering mountain standing solitare against blue skies.  Curiousity led him nearer to it as he strayed from his mother and sisters earthling travels.  Each powerful stroke of his lavender wings bringing him closer.  Hazel eyes watched clouds of smoke puff from the gaping hole within it's center.  The heat becoming more intense with each moment.  Banking to the right he circled around the mighty volcano.  Watching the lava ooze like blood from a wound.  In his venturing he had forgotten his watch over his family so he thought best to return.  His circle complete around the landmark he started back in the direction of which he came.  They wouldn't have travel much farther by land he was certain...

    Lazily he glided upon the wind.  Feathers outstretched to maximize his hold on the air.  His gaze shifted from tree to tree, equine to equine as he passed overhead.  The rich green forest that lined the land was quite breathtaking as well.  He probably wouldn't have noticed the change in the landscape if it hadn't have happened immediately before him.  A once hunter green pine turned to russet brown.  Brow cocked in perplexed thought as to what took place.  His mind tangled with having seen his sister do the same to grass.  Could she be behind this? ...

    With a push of air he thrusted forwards as his limbs gathered beneath him.  Tucking his wings nearly to his side's he dived like a falcon to it's meal.  It hadn't taken him but a few minutes to be upon them.  Viewing his baby sister following not their mother.  Silver tipped ears pressed against his skull as he landed with force in front of them.  Cutting off their path, hazel eyes glaring upon the stranger.  He wasn't nearly as old as the stallion but he questioned him harshly, "What are you doing with my sister?" His gaze shifted to her and did not lighten, "Kolera, where is Mother? Did you run off again?" A snort of frustration at the filly's childish antics.  She was always running off and getting into predicaments much to dangerous for such a young child.  His scornful expression stayed upon her as he waited for an explanation from both parties...  

    Calm Before the Storm

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