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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    baddie, whole family (kali birth thread!)
    The few weeks of his life have been normal, or at least, what he knows to be normal. Wake up, nurse, love on Mom, pester sister, get cuddles, push buttons and test limits. Then more nursing and more sleeping. And play. And cuddles. Mom and Rossi tell him about Dad, who has a very girly sounding name, but the way they speak of him makes it not matter. He hasn't met Dad yet, and wonders if and when he ever will. But at least feels good to know he has a dad at all, and to know a little bit about him. Roslin says he has another family, but it's okay because dad and mom are mostly better as friends. Baddie only has a small idea about friends and family yet, and wonders what 'better as friends' even means. What is someone if not a friend? He'd asked Mom, and she said "sometimes you like someone, and sometimes you love them. And sometimes you love them but you also love someone else and you realize... well, you'll learn more when you're older." It'd all been super confusing to Badden, head tilted and brows furrowed with a slant to his lips. He tried to understand, but maybe mom's right and he would later on.

    So he'd contented himself to play and bug Roslin and learn to wander. As the first few weeks flew by, he'd learned he could go a little farther and a little farther into the woods without mom calling and scolding in the sweet way she does. Always testing limits. But he wants to learn his wings, wants to see what he is capable of. To see what lurks in the shadows and bushes. A little farther each time, but always returning to mom once his tummy went to rumbling.

    Then, one day, he'd gone a bit too far. Somewhere out in the middle of the island. And he might have been able to find his way back, had it not been for the rain that began to fall in heavy round droplets. With the rain, came the wind. And the thunder. And the lightning.

    OH! And it frightened him. With one flash of light, he turned one way. With a clap of thunder, he was driven another. And dark, it became so dark. The rain came down hard and pelted the young boy's skin. His eyes stung with it, and the salt of tears as he cried for a mom too far to hear her son's calls. A sound drowned out against the cacophony that was the storm. All he could do was find the nearest hole to hide in out of the rain, and wait...

    Morning came, and when the colt opened his eyes, the view outside his little cave was laughable. The sun peaking up, and not a cloud in the sky. As though there had never been such a scary storm the evening before. Except, now the ground is wet, and the evidence drip-drips from the leaves of the trees. The wind had been harsh, and a few boughs from weaker trees now lay haphazard on the ground. Badden frowns as he eases out of his small shelter, stretching those long legs and ignoring the pangs of hunger in his belly. He's never been this far from where he knows his mom to be. Doesn't recognize his surroundings. But he must find her. Must return and let her know he's alright. Is she alright? Oh, and Rossi? Surely they are. Resolute, he set off.

    His search led him farther, enough to wonder when things would become familiar. Should he turn back? Try another way? Or keep ahead? How big is this place, anyway? So hungry, and the greenery below that he sees mom and sis eat is hard for him with his growing teeth. And it isn't as good as mom's milk, either. Mom.. where are you. Hungry, and tired, but not discouraged yet, the boy continues. He fights the pain in his chest that tells him he is lost and family is gone. He isn't ready to believe this. Not yet.

    And then he comes to the edge of the forest, where it opens up to a beach. Wow, and the world seems so much bigger here! The water goes on and on for.. ever! Nothing this way but sea. The sight of the ocean intrigues him, but saddens as well. What if the storm swept mom and sister out there somewhere? A tear wells up in one of his eyes that match the color of the sand, but he blinks it away. He stares out to the water for a while, until the ocean seems to grow. Big walls of the blue water rise up and roll over into white and then come crashing down. Reaching for the land. Reaching.. for him? Another wave comes, the biggest yet, and he shrinks back. Eyes wide, he shakes his head and turns back into the forest. The ocean is wild and huge, intimidating, and he decides he is better off returning to the trees where the whooshing of the tides is more muffled. It couldn't reach him in here.

    Two shakes of his tail and he marches on. Sniffing, seeking, searching. For anything familiar. And just maybe- maybe- a glimpse of violet. She'd be hard to miss, he knew. But the more he walks, the hungrier he gets. And more dismayed. Lost. His mind whispers. Yes, he agrees. Saddened, and worried, Badden moves back to the middle of the island, back to the ground that rises away from the ocean, back to the section of cavities he found to shelter in the night before. One last look around at the world, before he sighs and ducks into his chosen little cave. A nap, and then he would search again. If not for her, then for a source of nourishment.

    A dreamless doze takes him not a few moments after curling up on the soft soil, his wings wrapped around him. A countless amount of time passes before something inside him tells him to wake. At first, he fights it, enjoying the sleep too much. But then, his little violet-tipped ears flick at the echoing of steps nearby outside. He jolts, but just lets his head lift, wondering what or who it was. The cloudiness of sleep shortly wears off, and just before he can wonder if it's mom, a shiny purple head pops into the entrance of his hiding spot. Purple! But not bright like mom's violet. More light and soft, like some of the flowers he's seen. But the hair is not soft-looking, but shiny and hard. 

    Badden tilts his head at the adult- a man- and meets his gray stare. Kirby, he says his name is, and asks if he's okay. Baddie looks at himself as he says he looks alone and hungry, lifting a red and violet wing to see his body more clearly. He is alone, obviously, and his tummy rumbles angrily. Yet, all he can think to do is look back up at the stranger-man named Kirby or Kerberos and shrugs a shoulder, tucking his wing back to his side. He's never met someone new before, isn't sure how to act. So his face, though baby-soft, remains stoic. "You got a name there, kid? Your parents around somewhere?" Another little shrug and his eyes lower away. It was his fault. A sniffle. He'd lost them. Now they were gone and it is all his fault. Still, he could at least give his name. He did have one of those.

    "Bad.." Tried to say the whole thing, but man, his throat is dry. He clears it a bit, now looking at the stallion from under his lashes. "Badden."

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: baddie - by Badden - 04-17-2017, 07:31 PM
    RE: baddie - by Kerberos - 04-30-2017, 04:30 PM
    RE: baddie - by Badden - 05-04-2017, 06:01 PM
    RE: baddie - by Kerberos - 05-14-2017, 09:19 PM
    RE: baddie - by Wallace - 05-17-2017, 03:56 PM
    RE: baddie - by Kharon - 05-17-2017, 03:57 PM
    RE: baddie - by Kali - 05-20-2017, 12:58 PM

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